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You had finished lunch and now you where in the library looking for some books. Studying for the next exams that were to occur in a few days that drived your motive to study.

"Let's see ......Physics ....nope ..."you put the book back in the shelf as you slided your fingers across the books around.

"How to make money fast?...what the hell? Who would read this unless he or she is a money monger and what is it doing in the school library?"you laughed at your statement.

"Shhhh"The librarian shuhed you.

You rolled your eyes and then got the book you wanted. You looked over to see an empty seat on the window.

"Lucky me!"you whispered to your self.

"You told me to come and read but you are the same person dozing off."Some one spoke in front of you snapping you out of your little world.
You noticed the books that where on the wagon are gone because they where blocking your view to the students in front of you.

You looked up from your book to look at someone who whispered.

"He came with someone but she dozed off." You mumbled in your book. He looked familiar in your eyes as if you had seen him somewhere but the image wasn't coming out properly to picture him in your head.

Suddenly he rose looking at the girl besides him and attempting to kiss her.

"....g"before you gasped.

"No that's wrong you should kiss someone you like." The blond hair girl rose and looked at the boy besides her.

"Yes...am sorry.."he apologized as he flashed, fiddling with his fingers and trying to shove the embarrassment in the book.

"Close call"you spoke.

They both turned to look at you.

"Hmm? Am sorry "you stood up from your seat and left the two to have a moment.

While walking.
*he was gonna kiss her without her consent. What way to steal a kiss. Wait wasn't he the one who was dozing in class*you taught and then laughed as the picture had completely grown.

You had moved out of the library to see two boys leaning on the wall waiting for you.
One on his phone and the other reading a novel.
"How long?"you asked taking a fore walk before them.

"Only 30 minutes." The one on his phone spoke.

"Why didn't you come in? oh wait you got banned from the library." You teased them.

"Shut up" they both spoke.

"You wont believe what I just saw"you turned while hopping out of excitement.

"Let me guess a new gay story I mean novel" the one who was on phone spoke.

"Gay!! Hehe what's that?" You rose your eye brow completely black about the situations.

"Canon explain?" The one on phone ran leaving you and Canon staring at him disappear.

"So y/n.....let me start by the real meaning?" He covered his book.

Its almost going home.

"Y/n put the phone down." Someone commanded.

"Just let me check the last meaning?"you took a seat on the teacher's desk.

"Y/n call us when you are home."Canon got his friend and left you in class giggling at your phone at random intervals.

"Sure ...sure. Oh my God?"you gasped.
The boys looked behind.

 Cosset Love ❤Kokonoi Hajime x reader❤Where stories live. Discover now