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Still one year and a half back..

Its been one of the wildest Two days of koko's life after his men robbed the bank, he has been on tension thinking things may get out of hand so he himself was not settled though he was in the hospital with you.

He was now staring at you with his body while mind in another place.

"Koko?" Inui appeared.
He didn't respond only staring at your body.

"Are you still worried about Akane?" Inui asked.

"No am not." He spoke.

"Then what's taking all your thoughts?" Inui sat near Koko.

"Have the bills been paid?" Koko tilted his head to inui.

"Not fully but only 300000yen remaining."inui spoke.

Koko then stood up and existed the door.
"Tell Akane I will be back"

"Where are you going?" He asked.
Koko just walked towards the hallway as he exited the door way.

Suddenly you woke up.
Inui looked surprised and he had nothing else to say.

Akane also entered.
"I still cant figure out the......"she was surprised. "Y/n??? Y/n you are wake." Inui call the doctors.

He ran towards the door and yelled for the doctor.
The doctor came running to see what had happened and he quickly gave you a check up.

"Y/n can you say AAA for me?" The doctor instructed.

"Aaaaa"you opened your mouth.

"Do you feel any pain?" He asked.

"No!! am fine" you answered but your voice was hoarse.

"You seem fine to me right now but you shall stay in the hospital for further check up for only Today and you will be dismissed tomorrow. " the doctor rose from your bed.
"You are pretty strong y/n am proud of you."

"Y/n take some soup." Akane rose a spoon to your mouth.

"Am fine don't worry?"you spoke as you laid back down on the bed."where is Mom?"

"She won't be here until noon" inui spoke.

"How about Salid and Canon?" You asked.

"With your mom" Akane spoke.

"Am glad you didn't get much injuries Akane. How are you feeling now?" You looked over to Akane.

"Am worried as you can see."she answered.

"What for when you are safe?"

"About you silly. You have been laying on that bed for over a full month." She spoke in a worried tone.

Your eyes showed a sign of disbelief but quickly shoved it off."Am fine don't worry." You spoke as you calmed yourself down.

"Should we grab some candy tomorrow after you are dismissed?" Akane asked caressing your hand gently.

"Strawberry for me" you smiled.

Inui didn't say anything while staring at both of you girls talk.

A few minutes later Tyler plus your friends got the message you were awake and dashed to the hospital.

"Y/n is alive."Salid celebrated.

"Glad you ok"Canon leaned against the wall.

"Thank goodness you can breath again." Tyler hugged you.

Koko also received a phone call from inui that you had woken up and also dashed to see you.
He stood over the door way watching everyone celebrating your survival.
He pasted a smile in his face as he walked over to the counter to pay the remaining money.

 Cosset Love ❤Kokonoi Hajime x reader❤Where stories live. Discover now