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Welcome back y/n *sniffs*enjoy.
"Don't ask me why am crying"

Author's POV
The house had blew up in flames and Koko had saved Inui.
"Don't worry Akane you are safe."Koko dusted the person he thinks is Akane.
"Am not Akane..."inui spoke.

Koko's eyes lit up with confusion.

The fire department had arrived and the fire was put out.

"Some one is here"one of the officers yelled.
The rest ran to see who was it. Koko heard it and followed them.

It was Akane laying on the ground.
"Akane."Koko ran to to her.

"Akane ..Akane wake up am here."he shook her unconscious body. He then touched her nose and was relieved she was breathing.

The officers got her on a stracher up to the hospital. They didn't notice Y/n in pool of blood laying near the stone.

Everything was silent after the fire outbreak.

"Y/n wake up" someone spoke.
"She won't respond...."the other said.
"What the hell happened to her?"A woman in a night gown yelled at the nurses.
"We did our best?"one of the nurse spoke.
"What do you mean you did your best? Do i look am joking to u?"the woman grabbed the doctor's over coat.

"Mum!!. Calm down..."the doctor held the woman.
"You failed you faileddddddddddd aaaaaaaaa waa"she cried kneeling down next to you.
Koko, inui and Akane where watching.
"She saved me???"Akane fell in Koko's chest as she broke into tears.
"I .....failed..."inui sheded tearsas he his the fact away. He used his left arm to cover his eyes and holding back the urge to yell.

Koko looked on confused on what was happening.

Canon and Salid where comforting the woman on the ground but them themselves where also crying as hell. Especially Salid he yelled better than the woman.

A year later.
"Come here, you will be late for your first day of high school." A woman yelled as she prepared the breakfast table placing the plates at where they belong. The table its self had four sits which meant the family wasn't too big.

"In a sec Mum" a voice was heard from up stairs and rustling followed.

Some running foot steps tapped on the stairs one by one.

"Becar...." Before she completed her words,a body hit the floor and the face slided right in front of the Woman.

"I told you in a sec mum, did I make it?" The person on the ground spoke some what a voice that was not heard clearly.

"Sigh......get up..."she little kicked them on the head.

"Ouch.."the person rose and stared at the figure infront.


"Where is she we gonna be late?"a boy with blonde hair spoke looking at the door impatiently waiting for someone to come out.

"Chill she will be out..." The other with black hair stack his tongue out.

"I have to pick someone up before we go." The blonde panicked.

"Don't you know girls need all the time in the world you get ready." Koko smiled.

"What ever Come with her then."the blonde hair boy moved.

"You didn't apply ointment on your scar.."Koko laughed at him.

"Shit ...."inui turned around and went back inside to get his scar done.

Time skip~~
"This school is amazing..." A girl commented as she explored the high buildings with her eyes.

"We are here ...Canon I can't believe we made it" Salid jumped up and down on Canon's hand.

"Yeah for once am excited."Canon smiled.

"Wow Canon you smiled....."Salid was excited at his first sight of Canon's smile.

Just as they spoke.
"Yeah I saw him smile too what a wonder Canon" someone spoke from there side view.

Canon and Salid looked at the girl standing before them.

"Are you seeing what am seeing Canon?"

"Am way a head of you."

"What do I have something on my face?" The girl questioned the boys as she placed a finger on her forehead.

"What took you so long?" Salid ran to the girl and held her hands.

"You have also just arrived right?"she rose her eye bow.

"Morning lets go"Canon walked away from the two students.

"Canon you won't even hug me after a long time without seeing me"she ran and held Canon's shoulders as he walked along silently.

"No am good" he moved along.
"Rude...."they both said.

The girl is walking with the two boys as they laughed.

"Y/n"someone called.

"Yes!!?"you turned around to see a male figure in front of you.

"Morning" inui pulled out his hand in appect to shake yours as you accompanied it with a smile.

"Shitty idiot..." You just jumped at him and hugged him.

"How was your holiday is Koko with you...oh where is Akane?" You looked behind Inui searching for them.

Inui touched his head.
"They on there way. Koko has grown taller and Akane you know you always went out together...so they are coming."inui walked.

"The pretty lady is coming at our school?" Salid leaned on your shoulder.

"Yes she is .."inui spoke as he walked with you.

"Canon wait for us"Salid yelled.
He ran after Canon while you and inui continued walking towards the buildings.

"Your friends are so wild you know."inui spoke.
"I know..." You added as you smiled.

"Good morning students." The lecture spoke.
No one answered but you And your crazy friend Salid.

"Morning Sir"you both yelled.
The rest of the class turned to you.
"Oops" you both spoke as you giggled.

Class was moving smoothly but you couldn't get your eyes off Koko who was sitting near the window on the left. He seemed focused on what he was reading and listening to the teacher at the same time.

"Y/n who are you staring at?" Canon whispered.
"No one" you turned to your note book.

"Can anyone tell me the flower we are talking about?" The lecture spoke.

Koko rose his hand before you could and they chose him.
"Sunflower and rose they sometime bring the warm feelings in our hearts and.."he spoke a lot of words.

"Alright Kokonio that's right thank you" the lecture got fed up.

Koko stack his tongue at you. And your heart skipped a bit.
You looked away from him with a faint blush.

"Fuck...."you mumbled
*this is stupid I cannot fall for him he has some one he loves he can't replace her I mean she is cute and stuff why would he fall for some one like me...! Y/n get your self together ...stop your heart don't fall for him don't i command you.*you thought to yourself while pulling your hair.

Canon looked at you struggling with your thoughts.
"I said stop???" You yelled in class.

The class turned to you.
"Y/n?" The lecture called you.
You felt embarrassed and excused your self.


Next chapter will contain  what happened a year behind.....

Any ways stay safe and drink lots of water.

Koko the last two years

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