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The future begins.
Let's say five years have past since Koko left.
You had graduated and became an Animator. You have a job with you as the senior animator whom young animators ask from and own a company called( name it what you want). you still talk to  Haru!!!and you guys kept your words of not sending pics until you meet.
You are now planning on meeting him.

Akane also graduated and became a fashion designer owning company with Luke. They work together and and hehe!! Akane is pregnant.

Inui is a electrical engineer and he owns a shop with Salid. But he also continued running koko's company he left behind that deals in spare parts of different cars and other stuff.
Koko and inui still talk to each other but not often since they have to work.

Canon runs a city Library and he is lecturer at a certain school but students simp for him as the handsome teacher around.

Koko cut communication with you and Akane and he just wants to you girls to forget him and he remained with the boys.
He runs his businesses in the states and in Tokyo too. He graduated as an Civil engineer but it was just to have a professional on his hands but that's not what he wanted though he was still a master mind in the underground with his money making ability.

You now taking care of  Tyler as she used too but she still works and your family is very well financially stable.

It was just a smooth evening you chilling in a coffee shop talking to Haru!!!

You: I had a rough day at work today.
Him: aww that's so sad you want some candy to feel better.
You: no am good...😂i just wanted to see what you where going to do.
Him: I want to see you.
You: when?
Him: How about by the end of this month.
You: sounds good to me.
Him: 29th am looking forward to meeting you personally
You: am excited to see you.
Him: so whats on your schedule tonight?
.....read more

Inui was getting ready to close down his shop when Salid showed up.

"Y/n is at the coffee shop waiting hurry up!" Salid spoke.

"Am coming already?" Inui spoke removing all the parts from the door to close it.
"How about Canon?"

"He is caught in Traffic haha! What a way to be stuck."Salid spoke.

"Is that funny?" Inui spoke.

"I don't know!" He continued to laugh.

"Cut the crap and help close."inui spoke.
Suddenly he had a phone call.

"Koko!!!"Inui spoke.

"Am coming home!" Koko spoke behind the phone.

"Oh, my when?"inui was surprised but didn't show.

"On 25th this month." He spoke.

"That's 5 days from now!" Inui spoke.

"I know am so excited."Koko spoke.

"Am gonna inform the rest." Inui spoke.

"Not the..." Inui hang up on him.
"Why not...am gonna tell everyone."he smiled.

"Am done with closing let's go!" Salid spoke tossing the key to Inui.

"Koko is coming home in 5 days."inui spoke.

"You are serious?" Salid opened the car.

"OK!! Am not, idiot..." He spoke as he entered the car.

"Koko is coming home!!!!!" Salid screamed in the car.

"Shut up!!" Inui smiled.

Moments later they arrived at the cafe.
Canon was already there conversing with you when Salid Slammed  the door almost breaking the mirror.

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