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Akane just had a baby.
Its a girl.

"Its a girl."Salid spoke.

"She is a girl Salid." Canon spoke.

Luke moved out the room, invited the rest to come in.
Akane's mom was the first one to enter with Tyler by her side followed by You and the boys.

"Akane!!" You first ran towards your bf.
"Are you OK? Did it hurt?"

"Yeah idiot it did!! How is she?" Akane asked literally having no energy to speak.

"Am so glad you made it" Becky gave Akane a hug.

"Congratulations sis!" Inui Spoke.

"Thanks!! Is Koko with you?" She asked.
She then looked at Canon and Salid fighting for the baby.

"Let me hold her first!" Salid grabbed the baby from Canon.

"No he is not!" Inui spoke.

"He won't probably come back!" Akane spoke.

"Go on and rest Akane."you covered her and she immediately fell asleep.

"Let's go" inui spoke as he helped you up from the bed near Akane.

The next morning.
You where with Akane playing with the little cutie.

"Ella!!!" Salid showed up all full of oil.

"Don't touch her" You pulled Ella away.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work Y/n" Salid asked walking towards the kitchen.

"No am off!"you answered warming the milk for Ella.

"Considering you are the boss." Salid spoke pouring some water in the glass.

"Want some fresh baked cookies?" Akane asked placing the cookies on the table.

"Please!!" Salid removed one and tested it." Hmmmmm!! This is so good" he felt the flavors tingling his test buds. "Wait aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"Want one Y/n" Akane brought some for you and milk as she ignored Salid.

"Yes please..." You answered while you ate.

Koko had reached the Japan airport.
Him with money flying out of his jet.

"I missed this wind!" He spoke as he walked to his fancy car."To Inui's workshop"

Inui was just helping his customer with her car.

"Oh thank you Seishu call me" she winked as she drove off.

Inui just smiled and went back to his work.

Then a fancy car parked in front of the shop.
Inui stood up and looked at the car.

"What may be the problem?" He spoke.

As Koko moved out of the car with money blowing first.

"Hi inupi" Koko stuck his tongue out.

Inui was speechless and he just gave his best friend a hug.

"I got oil all over your clothes" inui spoke.

"That will be 100yen for cleaning." He answered and laughed.

"What the hell? You are supposed to be here four days from now!" Inui broke the hug.

"It was,,,I just wanted to meet my friends Canon and Salid." He answered."the ladies Akane and Y/n"

"Akane has a.."

"A baby I know!! How is Luke by the way!"
Koko asked.

"He is fine. How is Mitsu?"

"Am gonna surprise her by meeting her tomorrow."Koko was excited.

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