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The party went smoothly as you made the dudes simp for you.
Your mom laughed at you when you went home in the morning.

"So no school?" She asked.

"Am going." You climbed the stairs to get ready.
You pulled out your phone and looked at the messages still flowing.

"Ahh.......oh well at least it made me forget the little crush I have on him!" You smiled and got in the shower.

At school.
It wasn't yet too late and students where near the gate waiting for you.
You moved out of your mom's car.

"Alright mom I will see you later" you closed the door.

"Take care of yourself and don't make those hips lie"she drove off laughing which made you really embarrassed.


"Hi y/n" one of the athlete boy winked at you.

"AAA....." You where surprised and your jaw dropped literally the hot boy just winks at you.

"Y/n is here" the girls giggled.

"I hate this popularity."you walked past them.

"Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnnnnnnn" Akane came from a distance screaming.

"Akaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" you also did the same and ran towards each for a hug.

Akane dodged the hug and you fell on your face.

"Another dance move...." The girl infront of you spoke.

"No, I ..."she cut you off.

"On the ground huh? Nice dance move but I can do better than you and you know that right?'she put her hands akimbo.

"Watch it Bitch!" Akane's face turned intense."Scram now!"

"Haha come on girls..."She walked past you with her friends following her behind.

"Tsk..Y/n..you OK?" Akane smiled at you.

"Hehe!!!did you just make those ladies scram?" You asked.

"Did they forget we are in High school and almost mothers?" Akane spoke taking head start to class.

"Haha!!what?? Mothersss.....pffft." You laughed really hard making your stomach ache.

"Yeah! I don't need to remind them this ain't middle school."she walked faster to her class.

"Wait up!!! " you ran behind Akane.

To inui he was sitting in class reading a certain book upside down.
He was in deep thoughts.

"Yo Inui, you are reading the book upside down." Salid showed up to him.

"Oh," he turned the book and the fact he didn't notice he was.

"Are you stressed?" He asked.

"No,, just..."Inui spoke closing the book and resting it on his desk.

Koko showed up in class.
"Morning!" He greeted.

"Hehe!!" Salid smirked.

"What?" Koko asked.

"He was surprised when you took the mici from him last night and he thinks you where jea....." Salid covered Inui's mouth.

"Nothing Koko" Salid smiled.

The bell rang.
Students entered the class with you and Canon among them.
You took your sit next to him.
Koko sat down and turned his gaze at you.
He wondered why you didn't sit with him today.

"Morning Class!!" The lecturer greeted.

"Morning" you and Salid answered as always.

"How was your night Y/n?" The lecturer laughed and pulled out the projector to start the lesson.

"He got the video didn't he?" You whispered to Canon.

"Yep!" Canon answered.

"Its was fine I guess" you answered.

"How about you Inui?" The lecturer asked.

"Huh?" Inui was got off topic.

The class laughed at him.

"Still dreaming huh!" The lecturer spoke."Alright let's resume our lesson."

You dancing was not to be a surprise but it was way impossible for everyone to accept because you where the girl who doesn't show any sign of knowing how to dance or sing so it made them super surprised and even Inui the most humble boy in school could dance. With Koko, well he was already popular to the ladies in his way. Canon the boy who doesn't care was so excited at the party and his smile was captured at the party. The ladies who simped for the boys are on oxygen.

Soon it was time for lunch break.
Koko didn't join you guys at the table and he went outside in a big tree.

He was texting someone smiling endlessly.

As for you, you where with Akane sitting in the corner of the cafeteria each of you texting someone.
You didn't even touch the food.

You where texting Haru as Akane was texting Luke who  was literally on the other corner of the cafeteria.

You: After we graduate what will you be doing?
Him: probably running a huge company.
You: in your dreams like is your dad owning one?
Him: i have no dad!
You: oh am sorry but I have no dad as well.
Him: how about a mom!
You: I have.
Him: mine passed away a few months back.
You: am sorry!😔
Him: its OK!
You: you remind me of a friend who also lost his mom the last few months.
Him: who is it?
You: A friend.
Him: hehe!! His name is a Friend.
You: I don't want to talk about it.
Him: oh, ok.
Him: Typing....
You: what are you typing 🤣
Him: i just wanted to make you laugh:D
You: you did it though.
Him: am imagining your smile right now💭
You: shut up!!

The bell rang and you had to go back to class.
You: well I better go back to class.
Him: me too see you after school:)

After school.
Inui came too and he sat in front of you.
He didn't say a thing because you where sleeping.
You had dozed off in the middle of the lesson and I think you where hungry because you didn't eat lunch and you didn't even hear the bell to go home.

Inui sat there staring at you in the empty class room and he took a picture of you.

*so..cute..* he thought looking at your photo

Then Koko came and sat besides Inui.
He was a bit crossed.
"I can't get it out of my head Inui!!" He spoke.

"Let's go talk somewhere else" inui spoke as they left you to sleep.

The wind was blowing at the top of the school building where Koko was standing feeling not himself at the moment.

"I know how you feel!" Inui spoke sitting on the edge of the building and down there was the road.

"You know how I feel?? Really inui? Have you ever fallen in love before?" Koko jabbed.

"I know how it feels liking someone who doesn't like you back and the fact they don't even have a clue you like them...."he answered.

Koko's eyes widen and he stared at his Friend who he had no idea he was in love.

Thanks for reading and stay safe.
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