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You rose up from his lap as he looked at you confused.
"You OK!"he asked holding your shoulders.

"Yeah I guess!!" You rubbed your head like you had hit something.

You then realized he was holding you and you pushed your self away.
"Koko!!!" You rose up running out of nowhere feeling embarrassed.

"Y/n....."he looked confused."What did I do?"

Later he looked for you but you had already reached home sipping on your coffee.
You where watching TV until you had a door bell.
You walked towards it and opened it displaying a female figure.

It was Akane.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,,Y/n?" She slammed the door open and walked inside."Luke just asked me out!Aaaaa"

You were literally confused.

"Oh, come on...don't you know this guy I have been telling you about?" She sat on the coach and faced you still at the door.

"Yeah,,,what about him?" You asked walking towards herafter locking the door.

"He asked me out!"

"Its your first day to another high school and you are already simping over guys!" You sighed out to her.

"Yeah...And I would like to know him more." She pulled out her phone.

"He texted you didn't he?" You rose an eye brow at her.

"Good guess....."she answered.

You looked at Akane texting him laughing alone and stealing your coffee. She was super excited while you also recalled the statement the boys told you.

"Why don't you get a boyfriend?"
It just had to come back at a time like this.
You stared at her having fun and she even received a phone call from him and they had to chat while you where busy getting your self a dating app. That was enough being alone.

"This will show you!" You spoke while trying to match your self with men.

Hed Lucian.
You looked at his pictures.
"Nope too old."

Gel Gulo
You looked at the photos.
"Too young and he doesn't know if he is rich or poor." You laughed.


You kept swiping right.
Until you had reached.

"Ahh...who is perfect on this app?" You pushed it away and looked at Akane who was sitting on top of the sink,crossing her legs blushing as hell still chatting with the so called Luke.

You then returned to the dating up.
You swiped right.
"Let me give you one more chance."


You looked at the pictures and only saw him putting on a maskand sunglasses followed by a hoodie.

"The name is name and the age is age? It kinda reminds me of my silly friend."
You then started a chat with him.

"Let me see who you really are!" You spoke as you sent a hi.

He replied.
Him: Hi :)
You: We matched.
Him: I know I can see that.
You: well? Am Mitsu.( you put a wrong name)
Him: Am Name...
You: ???
Him: hehe! Was that the reason you started a chat with me?
You: No! We matched And I thought why  don't I give it a try?"
Him: OK! Am Haru Ito!
You: nice name.
Him: call me little.
You: why?
Him: coz that's my nickname.
You: OK!! Call me n/n!!
Him: cute nickname.
You: ˆ😊ˆ
Him: I can't see your pics on your page.
You: I don't want to include them.
Him: but how can we see you?
You: just swipe right and you may get a chance to match with me then I send you my pics.
Him: alright!! How was your day?

You continued to chat until your mom reached home.

"Y/n am home!"She entered the house and found the two of you busy chatting.

"Y/n? Akane am home!" She repeatedly asked.

No one answered and the fact you didn't even recognize she was home until she switched off and on the lights.

"Oh, mom you are home!" You spoke.

"Mrs Tyler, welcome home!" Akane also hang up.

"Oh my God?" She looked at both of you in disbelief.

"What?" You asked.

"Do you know how long I have been standing over here? Ladies now pick up these glossaries and place them were they belong." She walked up stairs.

"Mom is pissed"Akane spoke.

"Its not our fault." You spoke.

Akane laughed at your statement.
"Then whose is it?" She asked.

"Hers" you placed the butter in the fridge.
"So tell me when is your date?"

"Tomorrow after school" She answered stirring some tea for Tyler.

"Wait?? Aren't you supposed to be going with Koko?" You asked.

"I will just have to skip it." She happily spoke.

"You gonna skip your date just for that silly pank you just found today!" You asked.

"Yeah....I think I know Koko too well, I cannot date him and the fact that he is youn.." You cut her off.

"Age is just a number Akane don't go for Luke and leave Koko heart broken."you spoke wiggling her front and back.

"Why are you so concerned?" She asked.

"I...I.." You shuttered." I am not I just feel sorry for him?"

"Pathetic Y/n if you like him, go head and date him." She walked out of the house angrily.

"Akane!" You tried stopping her.

"Am sorry Y/n, you are my best friend but I feel like you don't like me dating anyone expect that pank." She boarded her bike and left.

"Akane...am sorry.." You tried speaking but she had already left.
You sat down and your eyes swarm in tears how much you tried to hold it back. Your chest felt heavy and just let it out.
You looked at your phone displaying Haru's messages.

'I don't know why am crying but I think I just broke up with my friend '

You covered your face while you cried even more.

Some little rain started to drop and you rose up and started to walk to the road where you lost your motivation and sat down crying as hell.

Then you had shelter besides you.

It was.....inui

"Are you OK?"

Thanks for reading.
Stay safe and drink lots of water.

 Cosset Love ❤Kokonoi Hajime x reader❤Where stories live. Discover now