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The moment you saw it was inui, you rose up and fell into his chest.
You let it all out feeling all your heart running out of your chest.
You squeezed Inui's shirt as you cried even more.

"Let it all out Y/n" he spoke caressing your back.

"I..." You failed to talk as tears got the best of u.

He let go of the umbrella and he hugged you with both hands.

A few minutes later.
Inui felt you were not crying anymore and when he tried pulling away, you had grabbed the shirt tightly in your sleep.

"You fell asleep?" He whispered.
And he carried you back inside.

Tyler was staring at you two through the window as she sipped on her coffee. She waited for both of you enter.
"Are you guys dating?" She asked.

"No she fell asleep!" He answered and climbed upstairs to take you to your room.
He landed you safely as he removed his shirt from your grip.
He covered you carefully and then left the room.

"What happened?" Tyler had prepared some tea for Inui as she also added some for herself.

"I think they had a fight with my sister." He answered as he sat down.

"But those Two rarely fight?" She sipped on her tea.

"I know but I guess its about Koko, she even skipped the last lesson." Inui spoke.

"That's not the Y/n I know! Something is off." Tyler spoke thinking of a way to get to know what happened to you.

"Let me go and see Koko!" Inui bid his good bye."thanks for the tea." He left the house and happed on his bike.


To Koko he was sitting outside on the stair case with some group of teenagers holding big sacks of money.

"So what next Koko!?" One of them asked.

"To the bank where else. Get that one bag and share the money don't fight over it." He spoke as he dismissed them.

They left wondering what happened to their boss.

Inui dropped by and he was crossed.

"Don't tell me you lead these teens in criminal services?" He spoke with a irk on his face.

Koko remained silent.

"Am talking to you Koko?" He yelled.

"The hell do you want Inui?" He also yelled back."Didn't you see the message?" Koko's eyes where red.

"Huh??"inui was confused."Have you been crying?"
He then pulled out his phone to notice that Koko sent a message that his Mom was dead.

Inui looked at Koko in disbelief whose eyes where pouring.

"Y..y..." Inui shuttered as he was fighting back his tears.

"Now!! Do you get it?  Do you get it Inui! I failed to save my mother." Koko spoke as tears ran down his cheeks.

"You..." Inui's legs felt weak and he landed on the ground.


Inui wasn't believing anything Koko spoke and raised up and grabbed his collar.

"Was money the problem?" He asked.

"No!!! I got a way to get money and I sent every single cent they asked but, she left me.!" He spoke sitting on the ground.
Silence occurred as the two friends tried to process what was happening. Koko's mom was everything to him.

"When do we pick her up?" Inui sat next to his best friend.

"Tomorrow morning!" He answered.
Silence filled the place as the two teens where stared at the ground.

The next morning....
Tyler got a phone call from Inui and he broke the news to her.
She stumbled and broke the cups she was holding making you from up stairs dash down to see what had happened.

"Mom???what happened?" You asked staring at your mother's frozen face.

"Are going to say anything!" You grabbed the phone on the ground."what is it?"

"Koko's mom is dead!" Inui spoke behind the phone.

"......." You stayed silent and ran out of the building.

The body of Koko's mom was brought at the airport where she was laying in a fancy coffin.

Koko looked at the dead body.
He opened his mother's hands to see a piece of paper written in her hand writing.

"Take care of yourselves Koko and Inui my sons and protect my two angels Y/n and Akane."

Koko's eyes where empty without tears anymore.
Inui came to him and rolled the dead body out of sight to the funeral.

The wind that blew was no longer special for him because it only reminded him of his mother.

Tyler, Akane, Canon, Salid and you had reached the cemetery.

Koko and Inui also arrived the the place with the body.
Koko was holding the note tightly looking at the picture he last took with his mom.

They moved out of the car with the body and placed it where they where going to burry her.

Some few people who knew Koko's mom where also there screaming like hell.
They came and comforted Koko who was not even letting out a single tear but staring at the people.

Akane stared at Koko and then to the mother.
She went and hugged her the last time.
"Its just a nightmare Mom!!I know you will wake sometime later." She whispered to her ear.

Tyler didn't want even to look at her and she hugged Akane who was near by.

Inui looked at her the last time and smiled.
"I have never seen you rest with your stubborn son!" He spoke as he kissed her hand.

You also walked to the mother and Koko followed you behind.
Your legs felt weak and you almost fell but Koko got you.
"I can't bear it!!!!I don't want her gone bring her back!! Koko bring my mother back" you spoke all that in Koko's chest kneeling.

'What did I do wrong?" He also asked himself.

A few hours after the funeral Koko was still sitting near his mother's grave holding his head on his knees.

You where also at your real parents grave resting your head on there stones.

"Mom, Calson, Koko's mom, are you guys enjoying tea right now in heaven?" You looked at the clear sky.

You then tilted your head to Koko on the left about Ten grave stones away.
Akane went to where Koko was and she sat next to him.
Koko just gave her a hug and you felt jealous then looked back at the sky.

For Koko who was hugging Akane he started to cry.

"Koko!! Don't worry everything will be ok!" She comforted him.

"Am sorry Akane. Am so sorry!!!"  He spoke.

"Its not your fault. Come on let me take you somewhere." Akane helped him get up as they held hands and walked out of the cemetery Leaving you there.

Inui came and sat besides you with your friends Canon and Salid.

"Hi." Inui spoke.

"Am fine don't worry" you wiped the tears off your cheeks.

"Come on!!! Your mom wants to see you!"Salid spoke.

"I won't smile for you again if you keep crying Y/n" Canon spoke.

"Like you smile anyway;"you laughed as you spoke.

"That's the spirit!" Salid celebrated.

"Let's get going, the candy won't eat its self." Inui helped you up.

Rip to Koko's mom.
This a sad chapter I have written.
Thank you for reading and stay safe.
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