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Koko and the rest where having some fun at Akane's house till night.
You where at the Balcony waiting for reply from Haru but it was a bit long enough and he replied.

Him: hmm...
You: am going to spend the evening tomorrow at my favorite cafe I told you.
Him: hehe!
You: whats funny?
Him: nothing🙄
You: hope we meet soon.
Him: am more excited than you.
You: well....prove it.
Him: Classic Mity

You looked at the 'classic' word and remembered who uses it often.

'May be he also learnt it' you laughed.

Then you heard arms rounding your waist.
You snapped and turned around to see it was Koko!

"What is this about?" You asked still being held.

"I don't know I just felt like it!"he spoke as he rested his chin on your shoulders.

"Am not your girlfriend let go of me!" You spoke as you tried removing his hands from you waist.

"Yeah I know!! And you know!! We are both single!! So,," he stuck out his tongue.

"No am not!! Am dating someone!" You answered.

"Your dream boy?" He laughed."keep dreaming"

"What ever you call him but he is mine"you spoke.

"Oh,, OK" he let go of your waist.

You then felt your waist lonely missing his hands.

"Why did you say that you missed me?" He asked leaning against the balcony.

"I just missed you OK!! Don't over think it"you spoke.

"I won't" he spoke.

You then stayed silent watching the stars.

"This reminds of my Mom!" Koko spoke.

"I know how it feels" you answered.

"You have a mother Y/n how do you know?"

"She is not my real mother Koko!! They killed my mother and brother right in front of me and I still feel that terror so when I see one of you guys feeling sad I feel like my heart wants to escape from my body and if I  don't cry about it I may just blackout." You spoke.

"Am sorry Y/n" he spoke in a low tone.

"Its OK!" You answered. "The terror just hunts me."
He then gave you a hug resting his head on your chest just like back in highschool.

"Koko!!!"you spoke.

"Shut up!!" He spoke.


The next day in the evening.
You where sitting in your favorite cafe texting Haru.
Him: ...
You:....what's your point now.

The cafe door opened displaying Koko.
He looked around and sent a message.
Him: where are you sitting?
You: my favorite place.
Him: the window huh?
You: mhm.

He then looked at the windows to see one with the cafe word.
He walked where it was and he didn't recognize you where sitting there. Both of you where on your phones waiting for replies.

His eyes widen after arriving and staring at you.

"Y/n?" He asked.

"Koko? What are doing here?" You stood up from your seat.

He then texted in his phone.
Him: Am here!
The message rang on your phone.
You looked at your phone.

You: where?
The message rang on Koko's phone.

"A..r...e?"you shuttered.

"No way?" He spoke. "Let me try again?"
"Surprise" he wrote as he spoke.

You got the message from your phone.

"Surprise?" You saw the message as Koko spoke it out.
You just sat back in your chair.

He also sat opposite you since he had nothing else to do.

"Why?" You asked as you tried holding back your tears."why are you Haru?"

"..." He remained silent and looked at you.

"You just had too huh?" You spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me your real name?" He asked feeling happy at the same time sad.

"I fuckin had a crush on you back in the old days of school and i thought i would get over you when i get a dating app but it just had to come to me that I liked a boy called Haru who is You?.....I hate you I hate you I hate you" you ran out of the cafe.

"Mity...." He ran after you.

"Stay away from me Koko!" You ran.

"Am not going to do that" he also ran after you.

You reached an end when tears got the best of you and you couldn't run anymore.
Koko came and grabbed your waist.

"Stop running mity" he spoke making you stop struggling.

"Let go of me??" You tried resiting.
You legs felt weak and you sat down with him hugging you in his chest.

"Calm down!!" He caressed your hair and kissed it.

"I won't find love right?" You spoke still in his chest.

"Sh!!! Am right here!" He spoke.

"I don't like you. I like Haru!" You spoke.

He listened to you and he broke the hug.
"Am sorry!"He spoke.

"Its both our mistake, we didn't tell each others Identity." You answered."I am requesting you one thing Koko."

"Am not listening if you won't stay with me!" He answered.

"Stay away from me." You spoke.

"I said am not listening." He spoke as he carried you bridal style to his car.

You had no energy to resist and of course it was no use.
He rested you on the seat then hugged you slowly.

"Am feeling dizzy?" You spoke.

"Don't! Close your eyes just stay awake."he spoke but you had already blacked out.

He tried shaking you to wake up but you couldn't.

He immediately changed seats and drove to the hospital.
He didn't say anything to the rest that you where in the hospital.
He remained there trying to process what was going on and making flash backs of you and him still friends.
You used to act so weird when he was around and there just some signs of a crush.

The doctor came out and told him that you where alright.
He entered the room to see your resting face still tears coming out of your closed eyes.

"Why do you cry!!! It hurts to see you cry?"he also cried leaning against your hand. "Its been five years !! Why do I feel like am gonna lose you too!"

"Don't resist waking up Y/n!! Wake up and smile for me."

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