❤Cosset love❤

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Wake up Y/n!!!
I did everything for you from the moment you saved Akane and i had to come up with a way to get money for your treatment.
Just to thank God you made it and had to stay with me.

Am still working hard to make you happy.
I let go of Akane as Inui told me and I dated some one whom I didn't know was you.
We denied a chance to our selves.
Since high school you kept that crush that turned into like for me but yet you still held on it.

How could you not let go.
Flirting with you was my way maybe to give it a try on you.
I didn't know I was riding your affection for me.
I should have known. I should have known.
Silly lady wake up...I want to see my Mity awake and smiling.

It hurts, it hurts Y/n I can't lose you too...
This fainting won't take you permanently right.
"WAKE UP AND TELL ME YOU LIKE ME Y/NNNN?" Koko screamed in the room.
"The doctor said you gonna be OK right?"

"He didn't mention you will be waking up soon but am not moving a single muscle till my Y/n wakes up."

The phone rang and he didn't pick up.

"Haru is here Y/n wake up and see Haru sitting right in front of you!"

"I like you Koko!" You spoke in your sleep.

Koko rose his head and stared at you who had not yet open your eyes.

"Y/n?" He spoke.

"Answer me!" You spoke.

"I love you Y/n" he spoke as he rose up and hugged you.

"I like you as a friend!!" You spoke.

Koko didn't listen and even hugged you tight.

"You don't!!" He spoke.

"Am serious" you opened your eyes."I don't want to ruin our friendship. So don't ruin it as well."

"I am gonna ruin our Friendship Y/n.." He spoke."we should be lovers instead...am gonna marry you and we are gonna have a family together."

"No!!" You spoke.

"Y/n will you marry me?" He pulled out a diamond ring.

"No!!" You answered.

Koko just placed the ring on your fingers without you even resisting.

"I don't like you Koko!! Listen to me!" You spoke.

"Prove to me and remove the ring."he held your hands.

You didn't even move a muscle and he laughed at you.

"Classic Y/n" he stuck out his tongue.

"Am gonna shower you with the love you didn't have during your mid ages. Am gonna ruin that friendship you talk about and make it the love ship."
He spoke helping you raise up.

You looked at him as he pulled your waist closer to his body.
"I hate you Koko!" You spoke.

"I know you do!" He smirked as he pressed his soft lips on yours.

You laughed during the kiss and he smiled as well.

"Why do I feel warmth in my heart?" You asked.

"Because am in it" he answered.

Both of you laughed and moved out of the hospital.

(oh my God shame on you! In the hospital?)

. ☪︎* ☁︎. . * ✰ .· ☁︎ . * ✯☽ . ✧ . *
"Do you accept Kokonoi Hajime as your beloved husband?"

"Yes I do"

"You may kiss the bride."

The crowd cheered as they clapped.

"Aahhhh she is so beautiful." Akane cried tears of Joy.

"She has grown up so fast" Tyler blew her nose.

"This is so sad in a good way??" Salid cried.
Canon looked at his Friend blowing his nose on his suit.

"You are gonna pay for that!!"Canon spoke making the blonde boy beside him blow even harder. He just sighed and smiled for you and Koko.

"Waaa" Salid cried.

"She is not dead but you guys are crying" inui spoke literally confused why they are crying.

"They are eudaimonia..."Becky and Akane spoke hugging each other out of happiness.

"These girls!!!" Inui was still confused.

You then threw the flower and Becky got It.
"Becky is next hahahaha" Akane laughed as she handed Ella to Inui and ran to Y/n.

"Inui" you laughed after you saw her was left with baby sitting.
"Will you marry me Mrs Becky?" Salid asked.

"Fuck you!!!" You and Akane answered.

"I didn't ask any of you?" Salid spoke.

"That's the reason you don't have a girlfriend" Becky spoke.
Salid felt an arrow pass through his heart.

"Ouch!! That hurt." He spoke.

"Get up Salid" Canon helped his Friend up.

Koko came and grabbed your waist from behind.

"I don't want to see you out of my sight." he spoke.

"Ishii we are not going to take your bride away " Luke spoke pulling you away from him.

Koko grew an 'irk' mark on his head.

"GIVE HER BACK "he spoke with agony in his voice.

"Chill...." You spoke as you ran back and hugged him.

"Don't touch her again" he spoke as he protected you like a kid hiding his snack.

"You look like a little kid."Luke laughed at him.

"Am charging you for every second you stare at her! "Koko spoke.

Luke then turned his gaze at you.

"That will be 1,000,000,000¥"koko spoke spreading his hand waiting for him to place the cash in his hands.

You then all laughed.

"I like your Cosset love Koko!"
Just as you where still enjoying, someone showed up.

"Hi Mrs Hajime!"

some one bowed right in front of you. Very old and unpleasant to stare at.

To be continued.

Thank you so much for reading up to the very end..


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