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Mila stood on the kitchen as she gave aurora her breakfast. She looked to Simon as he walked into the kitchen and looked to her

"I don't want to fight. Mila, it's just you know how much I wanted a heads job I left it once for you" he said as she turned to face him and frowned

"I never asked you to do that though. I love you and I am your wife and I will support you but do you remember what happened the last time we went away" she asked as he looked to her and nodded

"Yeah you ran away pregnant and couldn't talk to me. It's not the same now we are married and we're older and we deserve better then this" he said as she turned to face him and smiled

"I love you Simon. And I'm proud of you. Look if this is what you want I will supper you but I just don't want to up and move from one family that's all" she said as he looked to her and smiled

He placed a hand in her cheek and smiled "no matter what I do. It will be for our family" he said as she smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her

He knew that it was everything they'd have to give up and he Jen how mila was training to be a teacher and it was moving away from their family

Mila looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

Mila sat in the staffroom and looked to see Chloe as she walked in and looked to her sister

"Are you okay"

"I guess. Me and Simon are just trying to make it work. I mean he is my husband and I love him. I just wish he didn't want to move in but this is his dream job. He's already gave it up once when I got pregnant with aurora and freaked when I ran. I just can't do it to him again" mila said

Chloe walked over to her sister and sat next to her and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled

"Look being married. It's not easy but you and Simon are good. If anyone can make it work it's you two" Chloe said as mila looked to her sister and smiled

Mila only hoped that Chloe was right


Mila walked into simons office and smiled "hey you okay?" He asked as she smiled

"We have been fighting a lot and I think we forgot how we wanted another baby. I'm late Simon and I didn't realise it and if I'm pregnant I really don't know what we are going to do" she said as Simon looked to her and smiled

They both knew it was a mess and they knew how much they did want another child but knowing how tense things were between them could mila have another baby if she was really pregnant

Mila looked to Simon and smiled as he pulled her into his arms knowing just how scared that she was

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