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Mila sat on the edge of the bed as she finished off feeding aurora as Simon walked in holding a shirt and looked to Mila and smiled "can you iron my shirt?" He asked as Mila looked to him and sighed as she handed aurora to Simon and took the shirt from him and sighed "I am not a maid Simon, in your fiancée and you need to do things yourself. I work too" she said as she looked to him as he sighed to himself and smiled "I'm sorry" he said as he held aurora who babbled away as she finished ironing his shirt and smiled as he placed aurora in her cot and smiled to Mila "I'm sorry Mila, your not a housewife I just want you to be happy" he said as he walked over to her and kissed her as she looked to him and smiled "all I want is some help" she said as he looked to her and smiled.


Mila got to work and picked up aurora from the car and rolled her eyes as she saw sue who walked over to Simon and started to flirt with him. She was annoyed at how sue was still lingering around Simon. Mila grabbed aurora and placed her on her hip as she walked over to sue and glared as she took a hold of simons hand and smiled "what's going on here?" Mila asked as Simon looked to her and smiled "nothing sue, was just going" he said as she looked to sue and nodded "good, Simon doesn't want anything to do with you" Mila said to sue who looked to her and glared before she walked off.

Later that day, Mila Walked into the hall and looked to see Simon who was covering for hector in he hall. She walked in and looked to him and smirked "hey" he said as he placed a hand on her hip and pulled her to him and kissed her. She looked to him and smirked "I always had you down for a pe teacher, either way you look hot to" she said as he looked to her and smiled as Chloe walked in and looked to Mila "Mila can I speak to you?" She asked as Mila looked to her and smiled "sure" Mila said as she walked out of the hall with Chloe, she could tell that something was up with Chloe "what's up?" She asked her sister who sighed "max and I have been fighting, I want another baby but I'm scared of what max will say" she said as Mila looked to her and smiled "talked to him, if he loves you that much it's what he wants too" Mila said as Chloe looked to her and smiled.


Later that day, Mila sat in the staffroom as Simon walked over and took a seat next to her and smiled. He wrapped an arm around her and hugged her. Mila was upset over a student who had questioned her about her and Simon and their past "don't let them get to you" he said as she looked to him and smiled "I know, I'm trying not too" she said as he looked to her and smiled. He kissed her on top of the head as she cuddled into him. She hated how they started but Mila knew that she did love him no matter what had happened. Simon stood up and walked off as George looked to her and rolled his eyes.

"You do realise that you will always be the girl that slept with her teacher" he said as Chloe looked to him and glared "why don't you sod off and go and try your job as Simon could have you fired quicker than you could blink as well as max could" Chloe spat at him as he stood up and walked off as Chloe looked to Mila and smiled "ignore him, he isn't worth it" Chloe said as Mila looked to her and smiled. She knew he was right and she would always been know as the girl who slept with her teacher.

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