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Mila had been avoiding simon since he came back, she was scared, terrifed of the thought of having a baby. She was scared that she would end up like her parents, she loved her parents but they werent the best parents. Vaughan only bothered if she was in trouble and Olga had a mental breakdown, mila new that she was the one that had caused it. After speaking will simon, Mila headed home and hadnt spoken t him sicne, she had told nyone she was pregnant. Chloe knew due to simon teeling her. Chloe was starting to get concerned for Mila, she could see how her sister was shutting everyone out and it was starting to get worrying. "Mummy?" poppy siad pulling chloe out of her trail of thought a s hse looked to mila who was lying in bed "yeah" "uncle simo is at the door" poppy siad and chloe nodded as she walked to the door to see simon looing concerned "i got your call" he said and chloe nodded "you know where she is, i have to get to work" chloe siad and simon nodded "thanks for calling me chloe" he siad "dont mention it, help her" chloe said she knew simno was the only one that could help her baby sister.

Simon walked into Milas room, he sighed as she had her back to him. He sat on the bed and placed a hand on her arm "want to tal t o me, mila, you use to tell me everything, dont shu me out" simon siad as mila turned so that she was facing him. Simon looked to her and smiled "im going to be a terrible parent, ill end up like my mum, in rehab for a breakdown, i cant do it" Mila said as simon placed a hand on her cheek and pushed her dark hair out of her face "you can, we are happy, not like your parents i love you, and i promise im here, its our baby" simon said as he placed a hand on her stoamch "promise?" "i promise" simon said "youll never leave me?" she asked "not until the day i die, now come on you have school and i promised chloe id get you back there and i will even if i have to drag you in myself" simon siad as mila smiled slightly.


Mila walked into the school with simon, she was late and sighed as she walked over to her locker. Simon walked iwth her as she froze "you oay?" he asked as she nodded "feeling lightheaded thats all" mila said as she stopped still and grabbed a drink of water "im fie" she siad looing to hte concern on simons face. Olga walked out into the hallway and Mila smiled "mum?" she called and olga turned to face her and smiled "mila hadnt seen olga since he had checked into rehab "mila" she said as she wale voer to her and hugged her. Mila smiled to herself, feeling happy her mum was back, that she had a parents love for once "chloe said you were back" olga siad and mila nodded "i am" mila siad "i have to go see vaughan and max, ill talk to you later" simon said and mila smiled to him and nodded.

"so, what's gonig on?" olga aksed as mila bite her lip "mila?" "dont freak out" "Mila, what is ti" olga asked "im pregnant" mila said and olga looked ot her "are you okay?" "scard, but i am" she siad as olga looked to her youngest daughter "you will be a great mum sweety" she siad kissing milas cheek as she saw vaughan and froze. Olga turned to see him nd sighed "he doesn't know?" she aksed mila "by the look no his face, it looks like simon just told him" Mila said as Vaughan walked over to her "is it true?" he asked "what?" Mila asked and Vaughan sighed

"is it true that my sixteen year old daughter ran off with the deputy head and has returned because she's pregnant by him, again Mila, are you stupid?" Vaughan asked as Mila hung her head "don't talk to her like that" Olga said as Chloe walked down the hall, she could hear the yelling "you don't now what's happened Olga" Vaughan said as Chloe walked over to Mila and wrapped an arm over her shoulder "neither do you, all you cared about was allie and her kids, and now she left you want to play dad of the year" Chloe said "she's sixteen " "no, she's seventeen, leave her alone" Chloe said as she lead Mila away from their arguing parents.

Mila looked to Chloe and sighed "its all so messed up" Mila said and Chloe nodded "It is, but it will be okay, I promise" Chloe said and Mila smiled, she couldn't help but fear that was a promise Chloe couldn't keep. 

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