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Mila sat on chloes couch as she placed a hand on her small visible bump as the door opened and Chloe walked in with poppy "Mila" poppy said as she ran over to Mila and hugged her. Mila smiled as she held her niece close "what are you doing here? I thought you were staying with mum?" Chloe asked as Mila sighed "you know how mum is chlo, she's mum and I wanted to see you, max let me in before he left" Mila said as Chloe smiled. She placed the shopping bags that she had down and smiled "are you okay Mila?" Chloe asked as Mila looked to her and sighed "you weren't much older than me, were you when you found out you were pregnant with poppy?"

"i was eighteen, a year older and I was terrified, I had fallen out with mum and dad over mx, they didn't approve of him. A bit like you and Simon, but I knew that max loved me, I was scared, lie you are but he wasn't my teacher and in my opinion as your sister I think its a lot hotter that he is. But I see the way that Simon looks at you, I know that he loves you, he didn't even love sue that way. When you ran off and came here, I could tell that he was worried, I can tell. He loves you Mila and you love him, don't push him out, talk to him" Chloe said as Mila smiled slightly "im scared, that ill turn into our parents" Mila said as Chloe smiled "not gonna happen" Chloe said as she kissed milas forehead and hugged her sister close.


Mila sighed as she heard the sound of knocking at the door. She stood up from the floor from where she was sitting, playing with poppy. She answered the door to see Simon "what are you doing here?" Mila asked "funny, I was going to ask the same. Shouldn't you be at school" Simon said "what are you going to do sir? give me detention?" Mila asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and smirked "don't tempt me" he said as she rolled her eyes "how did you know I was here?" Mila asked as Simon pointed to Chloe who was in the kitchen. Mila turned to look at Chloe "seriously chlo? who's sister are you here?" Mila asked as Chloe shrugged "want to talk?" Simon asked as Mila nodded. Mila walked up to the bedroom and sat on the bed as Simon sat opposite her "remember the last time we were In this room?" Simon asked as Mila smirked "yeah, we were wearing less clothing" Mila said.

Simon took milas hands in his own and smiled "you know I love you, don't you?" he asked "yeah" Mila said as Simon placed a hand on her cheek forcing her to look at him "talk to me, Mila" "im scared" Mila said as Simon nodded "its okay" he said as she frowned "no, its not, im scared about our baby, im scared ill be a bad parent, all of it, it terrifies me especially after last time" Mila said as Simon placed his lips on her shutting her up "there is no need to be scared, okay? im here and I wont let anything bad happen, trust me okay?" Simon said as Mila nodded. 


Mila sat in the sitting room as Chloe walked in. She and Simon had agreed to look after poppy as Chloe and max went out for 'date night' Mila looked to Chloe "wow, you look hot chlo" Mila said "thank you, are you sure you okay watching poppy?" Chloe asked "she's got Simon watching frozen for the third time, so I think its him that you need to as, besides were going to have our own baby and he'll have it twenty four seven then" Mila said as Chloe smiled as Mila took a drink of the milkshake that max had bought her and took into her chicken nuggets "max does know I like him, right, because buying me, a pregnant woman food, has only made me like him one hundred times more" Mila said "why wouldn't you lie me, im lovable?" max asked as he walked into the room and Mila rolled her eyes "you two are both big headed and made for each other" Mila said as Chloe walked over to poppy "can mummy have a kiss?" Chloe asked "i watch Elsa" poppy said pointing to the TV "quickly?" Chloe said as poppy sighed and walked over to her and kissed her before sitting back in front of the TV.

Simon looked to Mila and smiled "you okay?" he asked and she smiled "Im great truly" she said brushing her dark hair out of her face and smiled to him as he and poppy watched the TV. She started to picture what they were going to be like as parents, ad even though she was scared. She knew Simon was going to be a great father.

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