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Mila knew how she was worried about Simon. He had been struggling so much since his mum had died. She didn't blame him. She would be the same. But she didn't like how he had been taking his mood out on her and Aurora.

She felt like he was keeping his emotions in. That he wasn't opening up. And she knew that wouldn't go down too well. That things were going to get worse for him.

Mila knew she needed and wanted him to not shut her off. She felt like it was all going to get too much for him. And he would break down eventually.

Mila knew what it was like to breakdown. And she didn't want that for Simon. She knew that things were hard. She didn't blame him for struggling. But she didn't want him to shut her out either.

He had barely been looking after Aurora. Mila was doing it all. And she didn't think she could cope with much more. She just wanted things to go back to how they used to be.

All she knew was that things were hard. And she was finding it so hard to handle. She just knew she needed to be there for when Simon decided to open up.

Morning came and she was lying in bed. Simon was there next to her. But they weren't talking. Mila sighed as she looked to him. "I know you're hurting right now. But you don't have to shut me out. I care so much about you. I love you."

"I don't know if you're aware. But my mum has died. And I'm trying to sort out the funeral. Is that okay with you?" Simon said as he climbed out of bed and left the bedroom.

Mila sighed as she followed him. She looked to him. "Stop being like this babe. I'm here for you. And I don't need your acting like this."

Simon rolled his eyes and said nothing. He knew he was in the wrong. But he felt like everything was too much for him.

Mila walked into the staff room. She sighed as she looked to Chloe. "Simon and I... it's a mess. And I don't know what to do," she said. 

Chloe frowned. "What's going on?"

"He's hurting about his mum. And I understand that. I just don't know why he's shutting me out. I don't need it. Aurora is teething which is stressing me out," Mila told her sister.

Chloe nodded and smiled. "Okay. I'll pick Rory up tonight. You get some sleep. Try and talk to Simon."

"No. You had her the other night."

"It's fine. I promise. I love having her. I miss the teeny tot stage," Chloe told her with a smile.

Mila walked into Simon's classroom. She saw him sitting at his desk and sighed. "Look. I know you're hurting so much right now. But I just think you need to talk to someone. You have to talk to someone."

"I don't need to. I'm allowed to grieve my own mum. Your mum is still alive. So why don't you accept that I'm going through a hard time," Simon said.

Mila watched as he walked out. But with Simon about to struggle so much, could Mila be there for him? Or would he push her away?

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