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Mila stood from her bed, she felt the nausea hit her and rested off to the bathroom and threw up. She ran a hand through her hair. She hated herself, she hated how stupid that she had been with Hector. He had gotten her pregnant and no one knows, Chloe knew that there was a reason mila had called her back but mila was scared to tell Chloe, she didn't want Chloe to judge her. There was a knock at the bathroom door and mila groaned "Come on I have to go" mika heard Leo call. She rolled her eyes and stood up and flushed the toilet before walking out into the kitchen. Mila spotted allie "I hope your in a better mood" Allie said and mila glared at her "sod off" mila said as she took a seat at breakfast, she sat with a bowl of cereal in front of her. Not feeling hungry and having the urge to be sick again,"are you worried about the mocks?" Vaughan asked "huh" "the mock exams" Vaughan said and mila cursed under her breathe forgetting all about them. She had other things to worry about "I'm going" mila said standing up. "We'll Drive you in" alliensaod "no thanks"

Mila walked to school and pulled out her phone, it went to answer phone "damn it. Chlo, call me back I...I dont know what to do" mila said leaving Chloe a message. Mila got to school and she met up with Gabriella "are you okay? Gabriella asked and mila smiled "I'm fine" mila stood outside of the Hall. She needed to sort out her situation before she could focus on her updates. Her phone buzzed and she looked to see it was Chloe. Mila glanced to Christine before she walked away, she had an art exam but couldn't focus. "I'm outside where are you" Chloe asked "two seconds" mila said as she hung up. Mila walked outside and Chloe smiled at mila, then frowned when she saw just how ill, her little sister looked. A little girl walked over to Chloe "mummy who dat?" She asked and Chloe smiled "that's mummy's sister, mila" "she pwetty" "yes poppy, she is" Chloe said as she placed poppy down and she ran over to max "something to tell me?" Mila asked "I think your more important, what's going on mils" Chloe asked as tears slid down my face "I messed up, Chlo. I messed up so bad" "what is it"  Chloe asked "I'm pregnant" mila said bad a tear fell down her check. Chloe walked over to her little sister and hugged her, knowing just how scared and vulnerable that she felt. "And that dad?" Chloe asked

Mila scuffed "if you could call him that. He is a one night mistake" mila said as Chloe glanced to max. "I'll be five minutes" she said and max nodded. Chloe and mila walked into the school where they spotted sue and hector. Mila put her head down "is it him?" Chloe asked "he doesn't know Chloe" mila siad "I don't care, he knocked you up and now you feel like shit" Chloe said "he used me, it was sex that's all he wanted" mila said as Chloe placed a hand on Mila's arm. She was going to make hector Reid for ever looking in Mila's direction.

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