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Mila stood in the mirror as she plaited her hair to the side, she was actally happy for once "mila, pwetty" poppy said and mila turned to poppy wh owas lying on her bed "not as pretty as poppy is" mila said as she picked up mila and started to tickle her, causing poppy to giggle. Mila smiled as poppy sat up and ran off, Chloe walked past and smiled to mila "you okay?"chloe asekd and miila nodded "i was wondering when you were going to tell your older sister, that you shaggedyour deputy head in my bed?" chloe asked smirking, mila felt the colour drain from her face "how long have you known?" mila asked chloe "that you were shagging him? or that you were involed? Mila, anyone with half a brain cell, can tll the sexual tension between you tow, and im not stiupidi  see the way you look at him, besides snogging his face off of him in the classroom isnt descrict" chloe siad and mila smiled "don t worry im not gonig to tell anyone, not even max" chloe siad and mila smiled "i really like him chlo, hes not hector, hes never forced me into any thing" Mila said and chloe smiled "i know, i can tell he would treat you right, but you do have a problem" "yeah?" "his wife" mila sighed and nodded. She knew sue was the one standing in their way.


Mila got to school and smiled  as she spotted simon "can we talk? later?" simo asked "sure" mila said to him as she spotted her dad ad allie walking towards her "ill see you later" simno said as he walked off. Vaughan walked over to mila "is there something going on with you and mr lowsley?" vaughan asked as chloe walkEd over "what? you think because i slept with one teacher, im sleeping with them all" mila siad "if the shoe fits" allie siad and mila went ot charge at her, but chloe grabbed her "my sister is no slag, unlike your fifteen year old daughter" chloe spat "i want you home mila" vaughan said "im not coming home" mila siad as she went to walk off but vaughan grabbed her arm "let go of me" mila siad and Vaughan sighed. He knew he wasnt gonig to get through to her that way.


Mila sat in the library, she had a free period and was trying ot atch up on her school work when the door opened and chloe walked in "what?" mila asked "its simon, hes attaking hector in the gym" Chloe siad as mila stood up from her seat and ran to the gym where she saw simon attacking hector with a baseball bat "noo" mila yeleld as simon froze he looked ot her and then to hector "Please" mila said as simon threw the bat away and he looked to hector "your not worth it, you had have her, shes not worth it, and stay away from mila" Simon said to hector as he walked over to Mila. He placed a hand on her cheek and leant in and kissed her. Mila wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her "im sorry" he said and mila smiled "its okay" she said as she rested a hand on his cheek. Mila followed simon back to his classroom, she was upset "dont leave" mila siad as she sat in his chair behind his desk "i dont want to, i dont want to leave you" simon said and mila smiled "then, dont" she said as simon smiled. He sat on the edge of the desk in front of her "theres nothing more i want than to give us a change, mila trust me, i love you" simon siad and mila smiled "i love you too" she said "come? come with me" simon siad and mila looked to him "to wales?" "why not, i want to be with you, what do you say" "i havent even finished school simon, im sixteen " "ill take care of you, what do you say, meet me back here in an hour" he said and mila looked to him "okay" she said.


Mila headed back to Chloes, she knew this would be one of the hardest things that she did, leaving her family but she had to do it. Mila stood in her room packing when poppy walked in "what you doing?" she asked and mila frowned at her "pops, come here" mila said as poppy walked over and sat on her knee "you know i love you so much" "to the moon at back" poppy siad and mila smiled as she played with poppys hair "but, im going away for a bit and i need you to look after mummy for me, and i need you to know i love you" Mila siad as poppy looked to her with tears "why you go?" "i have to" "i never see you again? i dont want you to go, i wove you" poppy said and mila wiped away the tears from her eyes "i love you too poppy, but  i need to leave" mila siad as she kissed poppys forehead. Poppy wrapped her arms around mila and crued into her chest as mila held her neice close trying not to cry herself.

Mila walked out of the room and she spoted max "so your going with simon i gather" max asked and mila nodded  "tell chloe, tell her im sorry, tell her i couldnt say bye to her as im a coward, tell her i love her and look after her" mila said and amx smiled. He hugged ehr "look after yourself" max said and mila smiled "i will"


Mila headed back to the school,She met with simon and he smiled at her and kissed her cheek "you okay?" he asked "i just had to break a toddlers heart but other than that" mila siad "are you sure about this?" simon asked and mila nodded "i am" "come on" simon siad as he took her bag and they walked out to the car. Mila got into the car and simon got in beside her and took her hand. Simon started the car and Mila spotted chloe walk out of the school and frowned as she spotted her in the car "mila?" chloe siad as simon reversed the car into hectors bike making mila smiled "he deserved it" mila siad as simon took ehr hand and they drove off together, leaving chloe upset. 

Chloe headed home, she didnt care if work wasnt finished. She walked into milas room and spotted that all of her things were gone "mummy? mila go" poppy siad and chloe turned to face her and picked her up kissing her head as max walked in. Chloe frowned at him "shes gone max" chloe sad as she started to cry, she was worried about mila "i know" max siad and chloe glared at him and placed poppy on the ground "you let her go, you let my little sister go, you dick, i didnt get ot say goodbye" chloe said crying "she said she couldnt, it was too hard" max siad "you let her go? how ould you, if something happens to her max, ill never forgive you" chloe yeled at him. She was determined ot have mila back no matter what.

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