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Mila sat in the office, she could see her dad yelling at hector. She felt dirty, she felt like a slut. Mila wiped away a tear from her eye as Chloe walked in. Chloe smiled to her little sister "im sorry miles" Chloe said as Mila stood up and they hugged "i want mum" Mila said, she never thought that she would say that, but she new Olga would understand the most "i know, she's with our aunt but we'll visit her soon, okay" Chloe said as Mila nodded. The door to the office opened and hector walked out "stupid girl" he spat at Mila, Mila felt the tears  fill In her eyes. Chloe grabbed her hand "shag off" Chloe spat at hector as he walked off "Mila, in here now" Vaughan said as Mila sighed to herself as she walked into the office "want to explain to me, why you were stupid enough to sleep with your teacher?" Vaughan asked as Mila rolled her eyes "of course its my fault dad, why would you ever be on my side" "because he knows you to well" allie said "why is she even here, its got nothing to do with her" Chloe said "exactly, I was stupid enough to sleep with him , okay is that what you want to hear, but he did all the running and he got be pregnant but don't worry I've dealt with it, its not like you care, I mean if it was Justin or Leo you would but not me, I know im the disappointment dad, I've heard it before, you don't need to say it but he is in the wrong too, so don't blame me" Mila yelled "you had an abortion?" allie asked "yes and it was my choice and it wasn't easy" "did you know" Vaughan asked Chloe "of course I knew, im the only one that's paid attention to her, she's sixteen and needs you, but you weren't there, why do you think I came back, she needed someone and you weren't there, you were never there" Chloe said to Vaughan.


A week had passed since Vaughan had found out about Mila and hector she had stayed at home. She didn't want to see anyone, especially Simon. She felt as if he wouldn't like her anymore. Mila had been staying with Chloe, she sat in the bed and cuddled up with poppy "wove you Mila" poppy said to her. Mila smiled "love you too pops" "im going to work, are you sure your okay?" Chloe asked Mila "ill be fine, im just going to sleep" Mila said and Chloe nodded, she was worried about Mila, she knew Mila shut off her emotions. "come on poppy" Chloe said "me stay with Mila" "no, we have to go" poppy huffed to herself but soon followed after Chloe "ill call you later, okay" Chloe said.

Mila had fallen back to sleep, she was awaken by knocking on the door. She sat up and rubbed her eyes groaning before walking down the stairs to answer the door. She frowned when she seen it was Simon "so, are you going to let me in" Simon asked and Mila nodded. She closed the door and walked back up and got into bed, she had slept in the bed with Chloe and poppy due to max being away on business. Simon followed her into the room and sat on the edge of the bed "I've been worried about you" Simon said "don't need to be, im fine" mile said and Simon frowned "no, your not. I know your not" Mila wiped away a tear from her eyes "my own dad...he took hectors side, just cause im a flirt, he blames em, hector bullied me for weeks and yet it was my fault" Mila said as Simon placed a hand on her knee "it wasn't" Simon said, Mila frowned as she looked to his cut knuckles "what happened" "lets say I had a word of my own with hector" "you didn't have to" "i know, I needed to though" Simon said as Mila placed a hand on his cheek.

Simon leant in and kissed Mila, She placed her arms around his neck and pulled him to her kissing him harder. Her hands travelled down his torso and landed on his belt. Simon looked at her "are you sure?" he asked and Mila nodded "please" Simon smirked and nodded as he pulled at the hem off Mila's top pulling it off of her. After they stripped Simon grabbed a condom and slid it on before he pushed into Mila, she dug her nails into his back as she moved in and out of her Mila moaned as he did so. Simon groaned as her nails dug deeper into his back. She knew this was different, he wasn't hector, he cared about her after all. Mila moaned loudly as Simon bite into her neck, she knew this meant something. After they had finished, Simon pulled the condom off and it fell under the bed and Simon looked to Mila "you are okay though?" "im fine" "come back to school?" "ii will, tomorrow" Mila said and Simon smiled and kissed her.


Chloe got home after work and smiled as she seen Mila was in a better mood. She was glad, Poppy walked over to Mila and sat with her as she watched a movie "im going to change" Chloe said as she walked up to her bed and pulled her heels off. One of them fell under the bed and Chloe bent down to grab it and frowned as she spotted a condom, she picked it up and threw It away realising it was used "eww" Chloe said. She knew it wasn't off her and max with him being away, she knew what had cheered her sister up and it was to do with a visit off a deputy head. Chloe walked downstairs and sat next to Mila "next time you have sex, please don't leave condoms on the floor" Chloe whispered as Mila paled "umm" "don't worry about it, although I will be changing my sheets, I don't want to imagine who's arse as been against my sheets" "mine" Mila smirked as Chloe shook her head, she knew it was Simon but wanted Mila to tell Chloe when she was ready.

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