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A/N: Chloe Fitzgerald and poppy-rose Tyler as well as faith Tyler belong to _X_Sammii_X_ as long as her storylines
Mila sighed to herself. As she dialed Chloe her older sister, she hasn't spoken to Chloe in ages. "Chlo, its me look I need to speak to you its important" mila said as she left Chloe a message. Mila sighed as she placed a hand on her forehead. She felt sick again. She was scared and she knew that she couldn't tell her dad what was going on. Mila pulled out the pregnancy test from her back and looked at the positive results, she knew that it was hectors. She knew she had messed up. Mila watched as Allie walked out of the office "are you okay mila, you look pale?" Allie said "fine, is my dad In there" mila asked and Allie nodded. Mila walked into the office and looked to her dad "dad, can I talk to you?" Mila asked and Vaughan frowned "can it wait mila I'm busy" he said as mila rolled her eyes "of course you are, if itz your boys you have time, if it's me, you don't. Chloe did right on leaving" mila said "mila, we'll talk after we been to the clinic" "yeah about that, I'm not going that old witch and I have nothing to say" mila said storming off in her heels "mila" Vaughan called after her. Mila sighed to herself as she spotted hector, he smirked at her and she felt sick. He had gotten her pregnant and she wasn't ready.

Mila pulled out her phone calling Chloe "mila?" Chloe said answering the phone as mila sobbed "Chlo.....I need you? I don't know what to do...please?" Mila saidn"I'll be there" Chloe said. Vaughan walked out of the office and looked to mila "mila" "suck a dick" mila said as she walked off to her lesson. Mila walked into her lesson and sat down, and looked to tom. She felt nauseous. She couldn't believe how stupid she had been. Simon looked to mila "you okay?" Simon asked and mila nodded "yes sir" she said. Simon frowned he wasn't convinced. Mila placed her hands on the desk as she took a deep breath, she couldn't be sick, she knew that she couldn't hide this forever, she needed Chloe's help. Mila wiped away a tear. She was scared.

Mila stood up and walked out, she felt as if she was going to throw up. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up. She looked to her appearance seeing how pale she looked. She sighed before she walked out of the toilets, walking into a blonde girl "are you okay" she asked mila "yeah, I think I've ate something" mika said as the blonde smiled "I'm Gabriella" "mila" Mila and Gabriella walked to class "so, what brings you here" mila asked "second chance, ejat about you" Gabriella asked "my dads the head" "oh" They walked into science and saw 'go home gabby' written on the board "ignore them" mila said a sthey sat down

"So, I'm having a little get together tonight if you want to come" Gabriella said to mila "I'll see what I can do" mila said and Gabriella smirked as mila felt nauseous. She walked into the toilets and threw up. Gabriella walked in "are you sure your okay, you look pale" Gabriella asked and mila nodded. She heard the door open and the voice of Lisa brown "where do you think your going" Lisa said grabbing Gabriella. Mila stood from the toilet that she was hunched over as she heard Gabriella screaming on toilet next to her. Mila stood up and walked onto the cubical to see, Lisa and a few of her pals trying to dunk Gabriella "get off of her" mila said as she grabbed Lisa by the hair pulling her off of Gabriella and pushed her across the toilet "you would stick up for her daddy girl" Lisa said as mila glared at Lisa before mila punched her. Lisa clutched her nose and glared "this Is not over" "piss off" mila said as she turned to Gabriella "you okay?" Mila asked "yeah thanks" Gabriella said as mila dug into her bag and handed Gabriella some make up "better than the panda lookx mila said "thanks" "what are friends for" mila said.

Mila walked into the office to see that her dad was kissing Allie "so you don't have time to talk to me, but you have time to kiss on with her, I see I'm always last when it comes to you. Even after that slag" mila said "oi don't speak to Allie like that" Vaughan said and mila rolled her eyes "suck a dick father" mila said storming off. "Mils?" Mila heard someone call. Mila had tears in her eyes, she was angry stvher dad, she knew who it was, only one person called her mils "Chlo?"  Mila said as she turned around to face her sister Chloe "hi"  Chloe said as mila walked over to her sister hugging her. Mila cried into Chloe, finally letting go off her feelings "don't worry I'm here, I'm here to sort everything out" Chloe said as she comforted her little sister. Chloe wasn't going to let anyone hurt her little sister, not again.

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