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Mila groaned, she heard someone at the door. She sat up and looked to see it was 6am. She noticed that tiffany wasn't in her bed. Mila frowned and got out of bed "what's going on" mila asked as the police were outside of their house "you tell me? What did you do?" Leo asked mila. Mila glared at Leo "just cause your the good little boy" mila said as she walked over to her dad "you haven't woke me st six in the morning for an IT problem" Vaughan said "told you it weren't me" mila said to Leo before she headed back off to bed. Mila woke up an hour later. She couldn't get back to sleep. Mila stood in the kitchen, she could feel the morning sickness hitting her "you okay mila" allie asked. Mila just nodded, she wasn't in the mood. She needed to deal with er pregnancy before it was too late. She couldn't have hecotr Reid's baby.

Mila got to school. She spotted Chloe and max. Chloe smiled to max and kissed him before walking over to mila "are you okay?" Chloe asked "I phoned the  clinic this morning" mika said. Chloe frowned at her "and?" "I've booked myself in for an abortion. Chloe I can't....I can't do it. The thought that I'm carrying his child makes me sick, I can't have this baby" mila said. Chloe smiled at her little sister and hugged her "if its what you want and if your sure" mila nodded "I'm more than sure" mila said.

Mila watched as Simon walked past. She looked at him and smirked. Chloe rolled her eyes "that is something else, we need to talk about miles, got a thing for your teachers?" Chloe asked. Mila rolled her eyes "he's different" mila said "how so" Chloe asked "I...I like him and I haven't slept with him" mila said "but you've kissed him" mika friwebd "how do you...." "How do I know? Miles if your going to kiss a teacher find somewhere else other than in the classroom. Your lucky it was only me who saw" Chloe said. Mila smiled as she watched Simon. Simon was different and she knew that "the sooner you sleep with him the better" Chloe said as mila laugh.

Mila walked to class. She had pe with Hector. "Mila, you  will be do obstacles of the hall, everyone else will be going some football outside" hector said. Mila glared at him. He knew that he was treating her different. Mila ran a lap of the hall. She started to walk, around when Simon walked in "mila? Are you okay" he asked. Mila shook her head. Simon walked over to her. He looked at her and brushed her hair out of her face "I'm all sweaty" mila saidn"I don't care...what's going on" Simon asked as mila glanced to her feet "something happened" Simon frowned. He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it up so that he was looking her in the eye. Tears fell from Mila's eyes. Simon wiped away a tear and looked to her "what" mila sniffed wiping her nose "I messed up... It shouldn't of happened. I and up pregnant and he makes me feel worthless and stupid" mila said. Simon wiped away her tears "your not any of those things mila Fitzgerald. You are amaixbg" Simon said as mila sobbed. Simon pulled mila into a big and she sobbed into his shoulder. He was going to make the person who made her feel like this regret everything, even if it happened to be his best friend.

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