Chapter 21

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I hurried inside and turned on my laptop. I signed into my account and clicked 'profile'. I scrolled down slowly, until I found my book: 'Forget Me Not', 42 reads, 18 votes, 4 comments. I felt my jaw drop, I had only published my book four hours ago and yet it already has this many reads and votes! Wait a second, there are comments, too!! Wondering what they said, I clicked on my book and found the comments.

"Love it so far! Upload soon!"

From: DOGSvsCATS_MilkAndHoney12

"Really good, captured me from the start!"



"Poor Lauren! What's gonna happen next?!"



I continued to scroll down and was encouraged by the comments. I finally came across the last comment.

"Hey, good story. Cheesy, yes, but so is pizza and we love it! Life just isn't long enough is it? But then at times our mistakes make it it seem too long. If only love were as easy as cliché."



I smiled, people were so nice. I went back and fanned them all before going back to my profile. I thought about my book, trying to think up some ideas. Finally, my writers block had gone and I started to write...


Lauren sighed, lazily flopping onto her bed. It was a Saturday morning and she couldn't find anything to do that would distract her from thinking about Scott. It had almost been a month since their break up and yet, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to forget him. Her stomach growled and reminded her that she hasn't eaten yet. Getting up from her bed, she walked towards the kitchen, barely lifting her feet off the ground as they felt like heavy sacks of sand. Her parents had left earlier to go to a business conference so she was home alone, which made it even more boring. She opened the fridge and sighed, disappointed that there was nothing to eat in there. Moving towards the pantry, she found that there too had nothing she felt like eating. Grunting, she picked up her car keys and headed out to the supermarket for food, totally forgetting about who was there and why she had been purposefully avoided going there...

Lauren pushed her trolley down the aisle, half leaning on it to help hold her weight. Her eyes scanned the shelves, picking the things that caught her attention. She grinned as she spotted her favorite food: White Chocolate Raspberry Bullets. She headed over to the self-serve counter but remembered that her mum had said she needed some tomato sauce. She sighed and pushed the trolley to the sauce aisle. She quickly search the shelf, there was soy sauce; oyster sauce; some other weird sounding dark brown sauce; sweet soy sauce; etc, but she couldn't find any tomato sauce.

"Ugh!" she swore under her breath. She was not in the mood for this.

She wandered around, trying to find one of the employees. Finally she found someone packing a shelf in the supermarket uniform.

"Uh, excuse me, where is the tomato sauce?"

He stood up and faced her.

Lauren felt her heart sink and face-palmed herself, "You know what, never mind."

She turned on her heels and started to walked off.

"Wait!" she heard him say.

Lauren stopped, not bothering to turn around, and waited for him to speak.

He started to say something but stopped and sighed, "Aisle six on the right."

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