Chapter 7

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David and I spent the rest of the day going on different rides, having the time of our lives. A while later we were called to go home to get ready for dinner out, so we got into the car and I pulled out my laptop again, eager to get back to my story. I decided to have some fun and write this chapter from Lauren's perspective, soon after, I heard the sound of my fingers typing away, tap,tap, tap...


(Lauren's point of view)

I woke up to the sound of beeping. Where am I? My memory slowly came back to me as I remembered the fire. I don't know what happened after I fainted, although, I think I felt myself being carried and a voice saying something that I can't quite remember yet, however, that could've been a dream. I groaned as I tried to sit up, making my mother rush to my side.

"Oh, honey, you're awake, thank goodness."

Genevieve, Mikaela and Tiffany were there too, all with red eyes from crying.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked them.

"Since yesterday morning," My mother replied.

"What time is it now?"

"Um," she looked at her watch, "it's eight o'clock in the morning."

"Oh," I searched the room, looking for Scott, "Does Scott know?"

I watched their faces as they looked down awkwardly.

"Um," Genevieve hesitated to say.

My stomach knotted together nervously, "Where is he?!"

They were silent.

"Mum? Oh please, God, tell me he's okay!" I nearly shouted, my heart was pounding rapidly in my chest as I thought of what could possibly have happened to him. I loved him, I can't loose him, oh, his sweet blue eyes and amazingly soft hair, the way his muscles flexed and his deep, handsome voice......his heart dropped as I remembered him carry me through the smoke, giving up his own oxygen mask for me to breathe, and his warm tears falling onto my cheeks as he told me he loved me. Oh, I love you too, Scott, please, please be okay so I can tell you that.


I stopped there, thinking how ridiculous this is. I will never, ever, say those three words again. Oh, well I thought, I guess, if I found a guy like Scott I would. I put my fingers back on the keyboard and continued writing.


I cried, "Please, just tell me!"

Tiffany took a deep breath, "Lauz, I'm sorry, he's in the Intensive Care Unit. His lung collapsed due to the extensive smoke inhalation and has a fifty percent chance of surviving. I'm so sorry," she said softly.

I sobbed into my hands, praying for a miracle.

A little while later, a nurse came into my room, asking for my mother. We sat nervously, waiting for answers. After about five minutes they came back in, my mum looking upset.

"What is it, Mum?"

She bit her lip, "Honey, I'm sorry, he's...he's-"

"No! Don't say it, please, don't say it," I cut in, my heart feeling like it had broken into a million tiny pieces. Tears fell rapidly down my cheeks as I sobbed.

"Do you, well, do you want to see him?" the nurse asked awkwardly.

"What the Hell? Would you seriously think I would want to see my boyfriend lying still, dead, in a hospital bed, only to make me cry more than I already have?" I snapped back at her.

I turned to my mum, "Can I go home, please?"

"Um," she looked at the nurse for approval and she nodded, "yes, if you want," mum sighed.

I was still in too much shock to cry as I hoppled out of bed and followed my mother out to the car while my friends stayed to visit Scott and see how his parents were doing. When we got home I went straight to my room, crying and sobbing as I started taking it all in. I was so heart-broken, I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that I didn't to be here, I wanted to be anywhere but here in Melbourne. I drew in a deep breath and started packing my clothes and valuables, deciding to leave and drive to Sydney, or somewhere far away from here. I sneaked out and grabbed my car keys, I didn't care whether I still needed an adult passenger with a licence, I just needed to get out of here. Leaving a note on the bench that apologized to my mum without telling her where I was going, I ran out to my car and drove out before anyone could stop me. I sighed a sigh of relief as I got onto the free-way and drove out in the direction of New South Wales.


I saved my work and hopped out of the car. I had ten minutes to get changed into some nice clothes before we had to leave again to get take-away before going to the Cinema to watch 'The Phoenix'. I got changed into a white singlet top under a black cardigan with aqua colored skinny-jeans and a silver, owl necklace.

I ran out to the five-seated car and waited for Grandma and my mum with David, and Cole while my dad, Alannah, Teeani, Nathan, my little brother Seth, my Aunt Penny (David's mum) and Grandpa left in the seven-seated Land Rover. Grandma finally came out, followed by my mum, locking the front door and hurrying out to the car. The car was started up and we drove to McDonald's to get a quick meal before the movie.

After dinner we arrived at the Cinema's just in time for the movie and took our seats. During the movie, David accidentally spilled the popcorn on my lap, caused me to grab a handful and shove it down his top in revenge, even though he didn't do it purposefully.

"Ew, yuck!" he whispered, although we still earned a few hisses from some random people.

I chuckled quietly and turned to watch the rest of the movie, ignoring him.

"Hey, that was better than I thought it would be, what did you think?" Cole said to me as we exited the building.

"Yeah, especially when I put popcorn down Dave's shirt," we both laughed when we turned to David, who was still trying to get buttered popcorn out of his shirt.

When we got home, I finished brushing my teeth and hopped into bed as I thought of what I was going to have happen to Lauren in my book...


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