Chapter 11

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I quickly finished off my sandwich and put my plate in the dishwasher, hurrying into my room and took out laptop. David and Aaron had decided to go for a horse ride following the trail that led through the gully, while I decided to stay here and write my next chapter rather than go with the possibility of embarrassing myself again. I opened up the document and lay my fingers over the keyboard, biting my lip in thought. I smiled, knowing exactly what I was going to write...


(Lauren's point of view)

I pulled into the petrol station, I had been driving for three hours north of Melbourne and I had no idea what I was doing. A tear rolled down my cheek, Scott wouldn't want me to do this. Oh, I wish I could turn around and go back home, but there's no use anyway, I mean, who would I be going back for? Well, besides my mum...sob...and Mikaela...sob...and Genevieve...sob...and Tiffany...sob...sob...and...sob... Theodore. Okay, I guess I have a lot of people (and teddy's) to go back for. Oh, I miss them to much to keep going! I sighed, wiping away my tears, and filled up my petrol tank. I paid for the petrol at the cashier and hopped back into my car. I turned the key, hearing the car start up as I drove out to the exit, taking a minute to think about which way I was going to go. I sighed, deciding to go home as I turned back onto the freeway.

I kept driving south towards Melbourne for about an hour when I saw a familiar car coming up on the opposite road, heading back the way that I came from. I looked through the window before it passed me and was shocked to see my friends driving, though, when I saw a glimpse of another person in the backseat, I almost fainted, oh, no, it can't be! I spun around in my seat to see if it really was Scott, and that I wasn't imagining it but when I did so, I forgot I was driving and pressed my foot against the accelerator, thrusting me forward as the car spun out of control and headed off the road, rolling over and over. I felt myself jerking violently in my seat as it rolled. When it came to a stop, I opened my eyes slowly as I felt a sharp pain in my twisted, right leg. I couldn't move, it was like the car had trapped me, molded into my shape and fit me perfectly, it was screwed up like an empty can of coke. I was surprised that I wasn't in a worser condition (don't get me wrong, I would much prefer it this way) considering the state of the car. I saw a car pull up beside me and it's door opened as man came out, running towards me. After telling me to stay still and not to move a muscle, he took out his phone and called the ambulance. A while later, I heard the siren of an ambulance coming in our direction. I thanked the man when they arrived and they started looking for ways to get me out without hurting me anymore than I was. The paramedics couldn't believe that I had only broken my leg and gotten a whole heap of scratches and bruises.

"You're one lucky girl, you could've ended up like your car here," one of the paramedics told me after they'd finally got me out.

I shivered as I thought of it while they picked me up gently and placed me on a stretcher. I was put into the ambulance as they drove to the nearest hospital.


Mikaela widened her eyes, "Gen, I swear I just saw her car!"

"You've been saying that all day!"

"This time I mean it, I saw her look our way and I think she saw us, too, because she opened her mouth in shock and spun around her seat to get a better look, I saw from the back window here!"

"I don't know Mikaela, I mean, she wouldn't turn around while driving, she not that stup-"

She was cut off by the siren of an ambulance coming there way, watching as it headed back in the direction of where Mikaela saw Lauren. They looked at each other in alarm.

"Quick! It could be her!" Tiffany yelled.

"Shhhhhhh! Tiffany! He's sleeping," Genevieve told her off.

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