Chapter 10

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After sliding down the giant slide a few times, we decided to go swimming in the dam and went inside to get into our bathers. I quickly put on my black bikini and short pink board-shorts and hurried out to join the others, happy that I had time at the beach the other day to get a tan.

"Okay, lets go!" David said and we jumped onto a quad bike each and drove out to the dam.

When we got there, David and Aaron rushed of their bikes and bombed into the dam, while I laid out my towel.

I lay down with my hat over my face, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin until I felt two pairs of strong arms pick me up and carrying me towards the water as I screamed.

"No, stop! Sto-" I was cut off by the impact of water.

As my head submerged, I heard them laughing and started to laugh along with them because it was kind of funny until I realized something. WHERE IS MY BIKINI!!!

You can not imagine how glad I was that had only brought my head above the water. The boys stopped laughing, sensing that something was wrong and started coming forward.

"Stop right there!" I panicked.

"What is it?" David asked, confused.

"IlostmybikiniinthewaterandIcan'tfinditsodon'tcomeanycloserbecauseIamhalfnaked!" I mumbled.

At first they looked even more confused but nodded their heads as they finally understood what I'd said.

David smirked at me, "Clutz."

"Hey, you were the one who threw me in!"

"Whatever. Alright, I'll go find another bikini in your suitcase while you look for your other one here."

"What about Aaron?"

"Yeah, what about me?"

"You can stay, just no peaking or I'll punch the living daylights out of you, got it?"

"Okay, okay," Aaron said, putting his hands up defensively.

David hurried off on his quad bike in the direction of the house.

"Okay, now, you look along the edges of the shore while I check around the middle of the dam," I told him, "and no looking...just in case."

We searched the dam carefully (I was extra careful because of my nudity!), inspecting every inch of the dam.

"I found it!" Aaron pulled up my black bikini from the weeds along the shore.

I was so happy I rushed over as fast as possible, not thinking about being half in the nude. I jumped out to grab it when I saw his eyes widen as he spun around quickly.

"What?...Oh!" realization hit me hard.





I slapped my hand onto my head and flopped back into the water.

I looked up as David came into the scene looking angry as a bull, walking in the direction of Aaron.

"David! It wasn't his fault, I accidentally forgot and-"

"So what if it wasn't his fault, he still saw!" he cut me off.

"Whoa, calm down dude, it's not like I raped her!" Aaron snapped.

He softened is glare a bit, "You're right, I overreacted, I'm sorry."

"It's cool," Aaron waved it off, "How about we just go watch a movie or something?"

"Good idea," David agreed.

"Um, alright, you boys go off while I get this thing on, okay?"

"Yep, we'll go get something to eat first and then meet you in the lounge room," David said.

I sighed, I cannot believe I embarrassed myself yet again! UGH! So much for a fresh start! I tied my bikini back on and got out of the dam, drying myself with my towel, as I got onto my quad bike and drove to the house.


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~ Sarah

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