Chapter 3

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Lauren looked up from the couch when Scott walked in. He saw her sitting there and walked over, "Please, let me explain?"

She sighed, "Okay."

"Lauren, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that without knowing you wanted it or not. I really, really, like you, please just give me another chance?"

Lauren turned to look at him. She had known him since she was five and had trusted him as a friend until now. Though, he had always been quite a gentleman, so she was surprised that he would kiss her like that before going out. But then again...she did kiss him back.

Lauren smiled, "Okay. After all I've been able to trust you for most of my life, so why not now, after a stupid kiss?"

He sighed in relief, "Thank you. Okay here goes..."

"Here goes what?"

"I'm going to start my second chance by doing it the proper way."

She frowned, confused, "Doing what the proper way?"

He smirked, "Asking you out."

"Wait...what?" Lauren didn't think she heard right. Her heart was beating faster, nervously.

"Will you, Lauren, be my girlfriend?"


I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, hehe yummy! I quickly hopped out of bed, got dressed and followed the smell of delicious breakfast. As I approached the kitchen I saw David sitting down at the bench waiting for his meal while Cole was busy flipping bacon.

"Morning, Schnookums!"

I rolled my eyes ignoring his nickname, "Morning. So, what are we going to do today?"

"Umm, I know! Let's go quad bike racing on the new track!" David smiled excitedly.

"Okay!" My grandpa lived on a farm, so there was always something fun to do.

We ate our breakfast quickly and ran out to the bike shed.

"Yeeeeehaaa, baby!" David yelled as he pressed the throttle making the engine growl while waiting for me to get ready.

I laughed at him as I pulled on my helmet and started up my quad bike.

"You're on, baby!" I revved the bike and sped passed him.

"Hey, no fair!" he yelled, I slowed down letting him catch up.

"Okay, Angel Face, first one to finish three laps wins! On your marks... Get set... Go!"

We zoomed off and around the course in nothing flat, my hair flowing behind me as I won by two metres.

"Good, but not good enough!" I yelled.

"Oh, come on, best of three?"

"No way!"

"Oh, you're just scared that I'll beat you," he smirked.

"Huh, I can smash you any day!"

"Prove it!"


Off we were again racing around the track. This time, however, I crossed the line a metre behind David.

"Ha! I bet you!" he fist pumped.

"Na, best of three, remember?"

"Whatever, one more."

We raced again at an even speed and were coming up to the finish line when I pulled full speed ahead and won the race, making me champion. We returned the bikes to the shed and walked back towards the house.

"Woohoo! The Champ has done it again!" I did a little victory dance on the spot.

"Ah, too good," David congratulated me, "but right now I'm in the mood for a nice, cold glass of water."


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