𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗺 || Chrollo x reader (P.1)

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"Y/N! We just got a large donation of ancient texts, come look at this!" Diya whisper-shouts from across the library.

Perking up at the mention of something 'ancient', Y/N wastes no time tossing their book aside and running to their manager's side. "This is... incredible! Who donated all of this? We've got to commemorate them somehow, or even just a letter of recognition and thanks..."

Y/N watches as Diya sighs and tucks her hair behind her ear, a habit she has whenever she's at a loss for words. "The thing is... it came from an anonymous source. There was a little note attached to the package... here."

Y/N takes the note out of Diya's hand, the parchment crumpling under their touch. "This is pretty old parchment... now let's see, it reads..."

There's something to be learned from even the earliest records of human history. I can only hope the citizens of York New City will take advantage of this collection, it is most informative.

Yours truly,
- Araneae

Y/N sets the note down and sifts through the texts lying on the library's front desk. Quietly humming to themself, Y/N scans the documents lost in thought.

"Y/N? Any thoughts on this cryptic letter?" Diya probes, looking curiously over Y/N's shoulder.

"My guess is as good as yours. The signature 'Araneae' could refer to the scientific name for a spider, or maybe it's some sort of deeper meaning... like a code perhaps..."

Y/N flops down on the chair of the front desk, Diya thumbing through the documents once more before gathering her belongings. "I'll give it some more thought tonight. I'm off, it's on you to lock up tonight!"

"Got it, take care." Y/N waves goodbye to their manager, absentmindedly watching passersby file in and out of the library. Twirling a pen between their fingers, Y/N perks up when they spot their favorite library-goer walk through the doors.

Immediately making his way over to the front desk, Chrollo peers at the contents littered on the desktop. "My, my. What's all this?"

"Chrollo! You haven't been to the library in a while, are you slacking!?" Y/N teases. Chrollo chuckles and gives a soft small directed at Y/N, making their heart throb effortlessly.

"My sincerest apologies my dear bookworm, I had to go on a trip out of town on some business... seems you've had your hands full with work too." Once again diverting the question from himself, Chrollo watches amused as Y/N fawns over the documents on the desk.

"Someone donated all these ancient texts, isn't this unbelievable!?" Y/N proclaims as they hold up some of the texts for Chrollo to see.

"Mm. This is quite the treat considering you have a knack for ancient history, isn't that correct?" Chrollo muses as he thumbs through the texts, slyly looking at Y/N's beaming face.

"You know me so well, yet I barely know you at all..." Y/N whines dejectedly, propping their elbows on the top of the desk, resting their face in their hands.

Chrollo hums as he looks deep into Y/N's eyes, fixing a lose piece of their hair. "Well it's no secret you're a bookworm now, is it?"

"I'm a librarian for crying out loud, it's practically a job requirement!" Y/N jokes as they gather the documents on the desk, placing them back into the box. Chrollo curiously watches Y/N work from the other side of the desk, mesmerized by their movements.

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