𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲 || Killua x Emotionless!F!reader P. 2

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~•~•~ Requested by: Blue_Hanahaki ~•~•~

"Killua?" Y/N calls out, her voice barely audible over the four hundred and five other applicants in the room.

Feeling eyes on him, Killua inconspicuously turns around, his eyes locking with Y/N as a large man walks away and reveals her standing behind him.

"Y/N!" Killua chirps, picking his skateboard up from the ground as he rushes towards the girl. "You look so different! I'm still taller though!" He teases, met by a subtle, but still noticeable, eye roll from Y/N.

"What're you doing here?" She asks, crossing her arms as she looks Killua up and down.

"I need a hunters license moving forward..." Killua speaks lowly, making sure not to draw too much attention to himself. "What about you? You said you already had work lined up, so what's a license going to do for you?"

"It'll make my job a hundred times easier. I'm surprised Silva hasn't trained your critical thinking skills at all." Y/N mocks.

"Hey quit it!" Killua shouts back, garnering the attention of a couple applicants, including a young boy about their age.

Seeing two kids, the young boy rushes up to them, unaware of the delicate conversation he was interrupting.

"Hi! I'm Gon, what're your guys' names?!" He speaks exuberantly, harshly contrasting Y/N's stoic personality.

Killua glances at Y/N for any hint of how to respond, but her dead pan face gave him no clues. "That's Y/N." He points. "And I'm Killua. How old are you?"

"Twelve!" Gon responds. "How about you?"

"We're both twelve." Y/N responds, her monotonous voice throwing Gon for a loop.

Before any of the children could get another word in, the clamor in the waiting room quiets down as an examiner appears in front of them.

Y/N absentmindedly listens to the examiner speak, noticing out of her peripheral Killua doing the same. 'How cocky...' she thinks.

As the examinees begins to move forward, Y/N casually follows behind, purposefully moving towards the back of the pack. Killua and Gon both follow her lead.

"Hey Y/N... why are we all the way back here?" Gon asks cheerfully, trying to remain as friendly as possible.

"So I can watch these measly applicants drop like flies." She responds flatly, earning a quizzical look from Gon and a snicker from Killua.

"Do you two know each other?" Gon asks Killua.

"Yeah... we go pretty far back." He responds, smiling softly at the unexpressive girl next to him.

Killua's smile doesn't go unnoticed by Y/N, who as she jogs, feel her cheeks grow ever so slightly warm.

'I can't... not here! I have a mission to fulfill!'She thinks, shaking her head lightly to bring herself back to reality.

"There you are Gon! I was scared you dropped out!" An old man yells, slowing down his jog to keep pace with Gon.

"Nope! I've made some new friends!" Gon chirps.

'Friends?' Y/N thinks skeptically, subtly rolling her eyes.

"That's Killua, and that's Y/N." Gon points to each respective person, his beaming smile a stark contrast to Y/N.

"Hey old man! Go run over there, you're blocking my view!" Killua shouts, clearly peeved as he falters on his skateboard.

"Who the hell do you think you're calling old man?! And that's Mr. Leorio to you!"

"Mr. Leorio, if you keep screaming like this I might rip your voice box out. Now quiet." Y/N interjects, giving the man a death glare.

Leorio, who opened his mouth to respond, quickly shuts it as he meets Y/N's gaze. 'What an intimidating aura...' He thinks.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Gon chimes in. "We should have a race. Last to the finish has to buy us all dinner, plus Kurapika too if we can find him!"

Y/N perks up at the idea of a race, ready to assert her superiority over what she proclaimed to be an inferior crowd. "I'm in." She responds.

"Me too." Leorio remarks.

"Same here." Killua says, kicking up his skateboard.

Soon enough, the four were running past most of the other competitors, including Kurapika who soon joins in.

"Ha! I won by a landslide!" Y/N mocks, smiling triumphantly at Killua. Too distracted by her smile, Killua forgets all about loosing.

It doesn't take long for the group of five to traverse the next three exam phases, which included another bout of running, a cooking contest, and cliff diving.

Even Y/N, who was conditioned from birth to face harsh conditions with little rest, was exhausted. As Killua and Y/N boarded the airship they'd be on for the next two days, all she could think about was rest.

Killua thought the same thing, and wordlessly followed Y/N into their shared bedroom, which was already occupied by a few other applicants.

"Killua." Y/N whispers in the dark, half hoping to hear a response.

"What?" He responds, turning around in his bed.

"What do you think of Gon and the others?" She asks, turning on her side to face Killua's voice.

"They're all so cheerful... maybe not the blonde one so much though..."

In the dark, Killua doubts his own hearing, as a soft giggle from Y/N can barely be heard. "It seems like you're warming up to them." He teases.

"Yeah right!" Y/N huffs, jumping out of bed and leaving the bedroom. Killua follows suit, finding Y/N sitting at the edge of the airship looking out the window.

Sitting next to her, Killua doesn't expect much from Y/N, but when she lies her head against his shoulder, he easily becomes flustered.

"What are you doing you moron?!" He whisper-screams, turning his head away from Y/N to hide his blush.

"I'm glad you're hear with me Killua." Y/N responds softly. "I've always been taught that assassins can't have emotions, that we have to remain levelheaded. You do both so well though... it's reassuring, and comforting. So thank you." She explains.

"Idiot..." He mumbles under his breath, making himself comfortable as Y/N continues to lie on him.

"I thought our paths were only meant to cross once... but I'm so thankful I was wrong." She smiles, Killua picking up on the slightest bit of intonation in her voice.

Before he could respond, he hears Y/N softly snoring. Smiling to himself, he picks the girl up, carrying her back to her bed.

Once he had settled down in his own bed, Killua turns to Y/N, watching her figure in the dark.

"Me too Y/N... me too."

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