𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗵 || Nobunaga x reader

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Absentmindedly whittling the hilt of a sword,
Y/N doesn't notice that for the first time all week, their blacksmith has a patron.

"Uh, excuse me..."

Startled, Y/N jumps in their seat and spins around. "I'm so sorry sir! I get so focused on a project that I end up tuning out my surroundings, I really do apologize!" Y/N continues rambling as they move behind the front desk, their customer on the opposite end.

"Don't worry too much. It's nice to see that there's at least one person left in York New City who has an appreciation for this fine craft. The name's Nobunaga."

Nobunaga stretches his hand across the desk for Y/N to shake, Y/N quickly obliging. "Y/N, it's nice to meet you. What brings you in today?"

"Well my katana here got nicked while I was fighting. I'd rather an expert fix it up instead of screwing it up myself."

Y/N smiles softly. "No problem. May I see the katana then?"

Nobunaga unsheathes his katana from his waistband and hands it over to Y/N. Gently cradling it in their hands, Y/N runs their finger over the sharp edge, clicking their tongue when no blood is drawn.

Nobunaga stands antsy as he watches Y/N internally critique his weapon, watching as they peer at the hilt of his katana.

"It's a beautiful katana to say the least. I can tell you care a great deal for it." Y/N muses, setting the katana down in some cloth.

"How can you tell?" Nobunaga inquires, leaning over the counter to stare at his katana.

"Just a gut feeling is all." Y/N winks. "I can also tell it's been a while since this katana has last been properly repaired. I assure you I'll take good care of it. For a sharpening and polish it's four thousand. Throw in hilt repairs it's an additional two thousand Jenny."

Nobunaga sighs and pulls out his wallet. "If we're going off of gut feelings, I can surmise you're an expert. Here's your money, but forget the hilt. That's staying as is."

Y/N shrugs their shoulders and takes the money from Nobunaga, storing it under the desk. "You're welcome to watch me work, but if you care to wander about I should be done within the hour."

Nobunaga rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Well I don't like to be too far from my katana... it's like I'm missing a part of myself. If it doesn't trouble you, I'd like to stay."

Y/N chuckles and walks to the back room, pulling a chair out. "I figured you say that. I don't get a lot of business, but the patrons I do get all say the same. I know the sentiment well."

Nobunaga sits down and Y/N takes his katana over to a whetstone, wasting no time in starting their work.

Watching Y/N's meticulous work, Nobunaga is taken aback to see an inordinate amount of aura forming around Y/N. "Hey! What do you think you're doing using nen on my weapon!?"

Startled at his shouting, Y/N looks up from their work. "Nen? Whatever are you talking about?"

Dumbfounded, Nobunaga stares at Y/N with his mouth agape. 'You've got to be kidding... they don't know what nen is, yet they can command such power!?'

Resting his head in the palm of his hand, Nobunaga just shakes his head. "Never mind it's nothing. Sorry for disturbing you."

Y/N smiles and shakes their head. "It's no problem at all."

~•~•~ One hour later ~•~•~

"Alright, I've just finished polishing. Would you like to take a look Nobunaga?"

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