𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿 𝟮 || Shalnark x reader

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Finally having some downtime from Phantom Troupe work, Shalnark retreats back to his apartment in York New City, eager to log onto his favorite video game.

Despite being number one on the leaderboard and easily defeating any of his opponents, Shalnark logs onto the game religiously as he subconsciously hopes to meet a worthy challenger.

'Let's see... still no one has beaten my high score. That's a shame, the business with the Troupe took an entire month too!'

Shalnark trails his eyes down the list of players, quickly realizing that the second place score was only a thousand points below his own.

'Player Two huh? Seems I might actually have my work cut out for me!'

Shalnark notices that said player has just come online and he wastes no time sending them a request for a one-on-one fight. Eager to put his rusty skills to the test, Shalnark anxiously waits for the player to accept.

When there's no response, Shalnark falls back in his chair, dejectedly sighing.

'Don't tell me they're AFK!'

Unwilling to give up on the mysterious player so soon, Shalnark patiently waits for Player Two to return, absentmindedly pressing the button for a challenge request occasionally.

Shalnark jumps when he sees the green check displayed on his screen, indicated an accepted challenge. A messaging screen pops up, Shalnark waiting anxiously as they see Player Two typing.

Player 2: For the last month, I've been patiently waiting to challenge you. Want me to take it easy on you? I'm sure you're rusty~

Shal: Don't think you can rile me so easily. I could take you blindfolded if I really wanted to.

Player 2: Only one way to find out then. I'll even let you pick your preferred arena.

Annoyed at the obnoxious player, Shalnark grumbles as he flits through the arena types, settling on one with lots of high ground.

The two opponents spawn in, their weapons, potions, and other tools are safe in their inventory. Both watch their screen in anticipation, the countdown for their fight slowly droning by.


Without a moments notice, Player Two has closed the distance between themself and Shalnark, taking a jab at him with their sword.

Shalnark counteracts with one of his potions, causing Player Two's character to take damage. The fight continues for another couple minutes, the favor continuously switching between the two.

Shalnark draws away from Player Two to regenerate, only to realize he's out of potions.
'Shit! I really am rusty... I forgot an extra supply!'

Distressed, Shalnark does everything in his power to win to no avail. He throws himself back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling as sweat drips down his face.

Player 2: You forgot regeneration potions didn't you? Too bad... rookie mistake~

Reading Player Two's message, Shalnark's eyebrow twitches in annoyance. He sits for a second before typing a comeback.

Shal: I was merely letting you have this one. I wanted to see how good my closest contender really is.

Player 2: Ohhh I see, I see... a whole lot of bullshit!

Y/N chuckles to themself, thoroughly enjoying pressing the buttons of their opponent.

Shal: Alright, alright. You bested me. There. I said it.

Player 2: Giving in to defeat so easily? Wouldn't be the first time~

Annoyed but also curiously amused, Shalnark catches a small smile on his lips.

Shal: You're quite something Player 2...

Player 2: Is that an insult or compliment?

Shal: Both.

Y/N catches themself blushing, although they're quick to compose themself.

Shal: I just mailed you my contact information through your in game mail. Let's play again sometime. Until then, Player 2.

Y/N stares at their screen as they watch Shalnark disconnect. Sighing to themself, they're quick to open their in game mail to find Shalnark's information.

Pulling out their phone, they copy it down... just in case.

Y/N decides to shut down their computer, opting to go on a walk outside instead. Grabbing their phone and headphones, they exit their apartment and descend on York New City's streets.

As they put their music on, they accidentally run into someone coming out of the apartment next door.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!" Y/N rambles, quick to apologize to the stranger.

Y/N looks to see they ran into a man with blonde hair and a light purple outfit... an attractive man to say the least. "Don't worry about it, are you alright?"

Y/N shakes their head yes and smiles gratefully, giving a curt wave goodbye as they try to leave and continue their walk.

"Wait up! I saw you coming out of the apartment next door. I've just recently bought a place here, would you mind showing me around someday?"

Y/N spins back around to see the man standing anxiously as he waits for a response. "Sure, that'd be fun. Oh, and welcome to the neighborhood!"

Y/N walks back up to the man, handing him their phone. "Feel free to leave your contact information in there. My work schedule is pretty sporadic, but I'll give you a ring when I can!"

The man nods gratefully and hands Y/N their phone back. "I best be off, I'm in need of some fresh air." Y/N muses, waving goodbye to the man.

Pulling their phone out, Y/N scrolls through their contacts, only to notice the same number had been entered twice... one for the former number one on the leaderboard, and another for the man they just ran into.

'Is the universe playing some cruel trick on me!? That friendly unsuspecting man is 'Shal'? Oh gosh... what if he finds out I'm Player Two... that'd make for an awkward encounter...'

Y/N ends up turning back home, flopping down on their couch lost in thought.

'Do I text him?...'

'Will they text me?'

Deciding not to prolong their inevitable fate any longer, Y/N texts Shalnark as Player Two.

Player Two: I'm available same time tomorrow. Does that work?

Shalnark perks up when he gets the anonymous notification, instantly assuming it must be from his neighbor, completely forgetting about Player Two.

Shal: Yeah that's perfect, I'll see you then.

Y/N smiles to themself, placing their phone on their chest. Knowing they're going to have to reveal themself as Player Two, Y/N texts Shalnark again, this time as their neighbor.

Player Two: I almost forgot... I'm free Thursday night for that tour if you're still up for it?

Shalnark reads the text, shock slowly setting in.

'What the hell!? It's from the same number... so Player Two... is my neighbor!?'

The absolute absurdity of the situation makes Shalnark laugh.

Shal: Sounds like a date then, Player Two.

Y/N blushes over the text, rolling over on their couch to lay on their stomach as they text.

Player Two: Hopefully you're not as rusty on dates as you are fighting~ 

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