𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲 || Killua x Emotionless!F!reader

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~•~•~ Requested by: mabivho ~•~•~

"Kill, this is Y/N. Your new sparring partner." Silva introduces, nudging the girl forward towards his son.

Looking the girl up and down, Killua click his tongue in annoyance. "I could take this wimp with my arms tied behind my back."

"Judging a book by its cover is a sign of inferiority and weakness." Y/N snaps back, her eyes boring into Killua's.

Laughing heartily, Silva slaps Killua's back. "Y/N will be living here for a couple months to train you. I expect you to listen to her closely."

Glaring at Killua one last time, Y/N makes no effort to converse and instead spins on her heel to leave. Killua, annoyed that a random girl would be 'teaching' him, doesn't bother to pursue.

~•~•~ The next day ~•~•~

"Does your father always watch over you like a hawk?" Y/N asks to Killua, standing in the mansion's gym as she wrapped her hands.

"No actually. It's quite out of character for him." He responds, looking back at his father out of his peripheral vision.

"How annoying."

Taking a combative stance, Y/N motions for Killua to attack. Overly confident, he charges straight at her, unaware that Y/N's leg had moved to sweep him off his feet.

"This may be hand-to-hand combat, but in the real world people play dirty. They'll deceive you, brutalize you, and use any means necessary. Now get up." Y/N commands monotonously, not offering her hand to help her opponent up.

"You're ten too right?" Killua asks, trying to maintain a conversation with the emotionally distant girl.

"Yeah. What's it to you?"

"Nothing... just wondering." He huffs, rubbing his eyes.

'She's ten and this strong!?' Killua panics internally.

"That was your first mistake." Y/N responds from behind him. "Never, and I mean never, let your guard down." She says, hitting a pressure point on the back of Killua's neck.

"That hurt damn it!" Killua shouts, rubbing the now sore spot.

"Get over yourself." Y/N huffs. "The real world is full of pain. You Zoldycks are all assassins aren't you? You should know that well."

'For someone so young she sure acts like she knows all about the outside world...' Killua thinks, biting his lip at the thought of Y/N being more experienced than him.

After a couple more hours of sparring, and the occasional lesson by Y/N, Silva instructs the two to take a break. Y/N, who intended to go back to her room, is pulled aside by Killua and dragged elsewhere.

"Get off of me." Y/N protests, wiggling her arm out of Killua's grasp.

"Just shut up and follow me would you?" Killua retorts, mildly annoyed at how cold this girl was.

Leading Y/N outside, Killua continues through the woods, almost as if he was searching for something. Stopping suddenly, he smiles to himself, finally figuring he could get the slightest hint of emotion out of Y/N.

Hearing a low growl come from somewhere behind the trees, Killua can sense Y/N's guard go up.

'I'm sure she'll loose her composure when she sees this!' He thinks triumphantly.

Pouncing out from behind a bush, Mike, Killua's guard dog, stands face to face with Y/N. Turning to see her reaction, Killua is shell-shocked to see her completely calm.

"You dragged me out here to see your dog?..."
Y/N asks unamused.

"I mean look at him! You're not the slightest bit scared!?" Killua asks astonished.

"There's much scarier things in this world asides from some damn mutt." Y/N huffs, already walking back towards the Zoldyck mansion.

"Like what?!" Killua shouts, causing Y/N to stop and turn around.

"People!" She responds, anger written across her face for a split second.

Although Killua intended to get Y/N to display emotion, he had not intended to make her upset.

"The world is cruel, and I thought I'd finally find someone who'd recognize that too but I guess you're still too naïve." Y/N sighs, wrapping her arms around her body.

"I was born to be an assassin. Trained, or tortured, since birth." Killua responds coolly.

"What is this a pity party?" Y/N retorts, rolling her eyes obnoxiously.

"We both were born into pretty shitty lives, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend like my emotions were good for anything. Love and hope led to despair, sadness and depression are an ever decreasing spiral, and the only thing I was told to keep was my anger and resentment. So there." Y/N finally concedes.

"My brother told me something similar..." Killua reminiscences. "But it's human nature to be hopeful, to look towards the future. My sister told me that."

Sighing wistfully, Y/N uncrosses her arms. "Thank you Killua." She says, Killua spotting a small, almost invisible, smile growing on Y/N's face.

"Don't mention it." He replies nonchalantly, putting his arms behind his head as he tries to act cool.

As weeks pass and Y/N continues to warm up to Killua, the two learn from each other. Killua's combat skills improve tenfold, while Y/N is taught some of the trademark Zoldyck assassination moves.

Soon enough, Y/N's stay at the Zoldyck mansion is close to an end.

"Will I ever see you again?" Killua asks, trying to remain as indifferent as possible.

"If the universe allows it." Y/N responds, a hint of bitterness in her voice. They were destined to travel down separate paths, ones that she believed would only intersect once.

~•~•~ Two years later ~•~•~

"Number 406 huh?" Y/N says, holding a large white pin in her hand. Clipping it to her shirt, she looks around the vast room, surveying it as she scans the other applicants.

"Hey! You're a rookie right? The name's Ton—" An applicant introduces, quickly shut down by
Y/N briskly walking away.

As she weaves through the crowd, her eyes go wide.

There he was.

'I suppose our paths were meant to cross again after all...'

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