𝗦𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗲 || Hisoka x F!reader (P. 1)

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~•~•~ Requested by: CrystalStar707 ~•~•~

"Hey you're a rookie too right? The name's Tonpa, it's a pleasure!" Y/N looks down to see a short man approaching her, his hand outstretched and a seemingly warm smile plastered on his face.

Extending her own hand out, Y/N shakes Tonpa's hand. "Y/N. It's nice to meet you Tonpa."

Looking behind Tonpa's back, Y/N notices that people are side-eyeing the two, snickering as they whisper to themselves. 'What have I gotten myself into?' Y/N thinks to herself. Deciding not to dwell on it too long, Y/N switches her gaze back to Tonpa.

"Y/N, are you alright? You seem to be in a daze..." Tonpa inquires. Pulling an excuse out of her ass, Y/N quickly responds. "It must be the heat... it's awfully hot in this crowded room don't you think?"

Tonpa nods his head furiously and opens his bag. "I've actually got just the thing... here!" Y/N curiously gazes at the can Tonpa was handing her, gratefully accepting the cool drink. "Let's toast, to new friendship! Best of luck during the exam Y/N!" Tonpa chirps, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Much obliged." Opening her can, Y/N doesn't hesitate to pour the contents directly on Tonpa's head. The crowd around them stirs at her actions, Tonpa growing furious.

"What the hell was that for you bitch!?" He shouts, the sticky liquid dripping from his hair.

Y/N merely twirls a piece of her hair as she stomps on the empty can, unamused at the angry man before her. "You're a moron, did you know that? If you give laxatives to a large group, they're sure to crowd around the bathroom. Can you even take a guess at how long I had to wait in that line just to fix myself up!?" Y/N scoffs, turning to walk away from Tonpa.

Eyes on her, Y/N briskly attempts to hide amongst the crowd, looking back every now and then to make sure Tonpa didn't follow her. As she has her head turned she winds up bumping into someone.

"My, my~ You're the rookie who bested the rookie crusher. I've got to say, that sure was amusing."

Tilting her head up to look at the taller man, Y/N chuckles as she dusts herself off. "I'm sorry for bumping into you, I'm glad at least someone got a kick out of that spectacle."

'So much potential in this group of applicants... her especially. A fellow nen user at that...'

Before the man could respond, the room quiets as the examiner enters. "Hello everyone! My name is Satotz, and I'll be your examiner for the first phase of the exam. Now if you would, follow me."

"This whole room is full of characters... that's for sure." Y/N mumbles to herself, surprised to hear the man chuckling behind her.

"You're one to talk. What's your name?" The man muses, twirling his finger through Y/N's hair.

Slapping his hand away, Y/N responds. "Y/N. Don't bother introducing yourself, I'll just call you creep."

Running to the front of the crowd, Y/N leaves the man alone. Unwilling to quit his fun with Y/N so soon he follows behind, quickly overtaking her.


"That's nice. I'll consider calling you by your name if you keep your hands out of my hair." Laughing, Hisoka responds. "Deal."

'We've been running for well over twenty kilometers now. Some applicants have already tapped out... but if they intend to weed out a significant portion... we should be running for at least another fifty.'

Y/N focuses her energy on her stamina, absentmindedly watching a white-haired kid skateboard in front of her. By the time she had reached the end of run, she had her shirt off and was sweating profusely.

Feeling eyes on her, Y/N covers her chest and spins around to see a spiky, black-haired man leering at her. Flipping him off in response, the blonde next to him chuckles.

Searching the crowd, Y/N finds Hisoka near the outskirts, looking out over the Milsy Wetlands. "I've read books about the species that inhabit these wetlands. They're quite curious..." Y/N muses.

Hisoka hums in response, giving Y/N a wry smile before interrupting the racket going on in the main group, killing a magical beast who tried to infiltrate their ranks. Impressed by his aptitude, Y/N watches from afar.

The remaining examinees follow Satotz down the hill and into the wetlands, many members slowly being enveloped in the thick fog. Y/N keeps pace with the people in front of her, quickly losing sight of Hisoka in the fray. Running through a river, Y/N emerges with a large leech sucking on her leg.

Screaming out of disgust, a figure hastily approaches her and slices the leech in half, it's slimy body slowly falling off Y/N's leg and laying limp on the ground.

Noticing who came to her rescue, Y/N smiles brightly. "Hisoka! Thank you!!"

Flashing his signature mischievous smile, Hisoka chuckles. "I can't let anything happen to you... not now at least~"

Just as quickly as he appeared, Hisoka disappears back into the fog, leaving Y/N to fend for herself. Running ahead, Y/N reconnects with the main group, eventually finding herself in the location of the second phase.

She stands with the group as they wait for stragglers, including Hisoka who comes trudging up the hill. Although no emotion is shown on her face, her heart twinges when she sees Hisoka, just a dash of relief knowing he made it through okay.

Unbeknownst to her, Hisoka felt the same relief, happy to know she could really live up to the potential he had envisioned.

Per the Gourmet Hunter's instructions, the group leaves to the Visca Forest Preserve to hunt down 'The World's Most Dangerous Pig.'

Preferring to work alone, Y/N runs off by herself, surveying the ground below from the canopy. It doesn't take long her to spot a group of pigs in a clearing, nor does it take her long to notice that there were many other applicants in the area, all keen on hunting their own pig.

Deciding to get the jump on the group, Y/N leaps down into the clearing, making herself a target of the carnivorous animals. Running back into the woods, Y/N manages to isolate a pig, and with no one around, she decides to use her nen ability.

From her hands comes a sticky substance, shooting itself directly towards the pig. Letting the liquid harden, Y/N uses her ability to inhibit the pig's ability to move. Picking up a nearby stick, Y/N lets the liquid form a large axe head on the stick, the sharp edge perfect for swiftly ending the poor animal's life.

'What!? I can't cut through the skin... it's too thick!' Before Y/N can come up with a second plan, the pig breaks free from the hardened casing, ramming directly into Y/N, sending her flying into a nearby tree.

Yelping from the pain, she tries her best to stand back up. Throwing her axe on the ground, Y/N steadies herself and bares the palms of her hands, ready to try and recapture her pig. Feeling another aura near her, Y/N decides against using her ability, deciding it best to keep it a secret.

Running towards the aura, Y/N lets the pig follow her as she attempts to come up with a plan. As she runs she bumps into Hisoka who was carrying back his own bounty.

"Ah~ got into some trouble did you? Here, allow me." Hisoka drops his pig and gently pushes Y/N aside, drawing out a card from thin air. Y/N watches as he throws said card directly between the pig's eyes, incapacitating it in one swift blow.

"How did y—" Y/N starts. "They have an achilles heel... on their head. They're quite simple to catch if you know the trick."

"This is the second time you've helped me... aren't we supposed to be competitors? Don't think you're going to get an IOU out of me." Y/N rambles skeptically.

Hisoka merely clicks his tongue, brushing up against Y/N as he walks back to his pig. "I have my reasons, just behave yourself alright?~"

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