𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹 || Uvogin x reader 🍋

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"Oi bartender! Another fireball over here, put it on my tab!"

Y/N turns to their left, noticing a bearish man sitting at one of the far end stools of the counter, his wild, unruly hair sticking out on all ends.

Watching the bartender prepare his shot, Y/N shouts. "Make that two!"

Glaring daggers at Y/N, Y/N simply smiles and waves at the man on the other end of the bar counter.

"Whaddya think you're doin huh!?" the man speaks, evidently already drunk. His blonde companion sitting next to him only snickers at his antics.

"My, my. So aggressive. I'll get the next one how about that?" Y/N retorts, tracing their finger along the rim of their empty glass as they stare down the bulky man.

The blonde friend panics when the other stands and begins marching over to where Y/N sat, his drunkenly flushed face mistaken for rage.

"It's nice to meet ya. What's ya name hot stuff?"

Laughing, Y/N responds. "It's Y/N, and you?"

"Uvogin. Just call me Uvo though!"

"And how about your friend over there?" Y/N thumbs to the blonde who was creepily watching their interaction.

"Oh him? Don't ya worry he's harmless. Shal! Get your ass over here I've made a friend!"

Shalnark shyly approaches Y/N, sitting on their other side. Sandwiched between the two men,
Y/N gratefully takes the fireball the bartender has presented them. Wasting no time in downing the shot, Y/N summons for another.

"It's nice to meet you 'Shal'. Is your friend over here always this unruly?" Y/N teases. "Unfortunately yes." Shalnark sighs, rubbing his temples. "Just a lot more so when he's drinking."

Y/N chuckles. "We all need a couple days to let loose. How about you, would you like anything? It's on me."

"Wow really!? Then I'll take a fireball!" Uvogin interrupts. "Make it two." Shalnark chimes in.

"Yohoo! Three fireballs please!" Y/N shouts as they hold up three fingers for the bartender to see.

Swiftly tilting their head back, Y/N downs their shot, Uvogin and Shalnark following suit. A red tint slowly covering their face, Y/N turns to Shalnark.

"How long have you guys been here? He's been downing these fireballs like they're water."

Shalnark laughs, handing his empty glass to the bartender. "You might've surmised by his stature, but Uvo here can handle his liquor inhumanly well. It's honestly quite ridiculous."

Uvo chuckles, his deep voice sending a chill down Y/N's back. "I'll take that as a compliment Shal. I'm surprised you can handle liquor so well, you're practically the size of my leg." Uvogin muses, slapping his hand onto Y/N's back.

The contact makes Y/N flush although it's only lost amongst their already red face. Turning to face Uvogin, Y/N sits up tall and looks up at Uvogin, a seductive smile playing on their lips.

"I'll take that as a compliment~"

Hearing a ruckus behind them, Shalnark spins around in his chair to see a game of darts being played on the other side of the bar. "I'm going to go spectate... maybe place a bet or two. I'll catch you two later!"

"You better be right this time Shal, don't loose too much money again or the boss'll kill you." Uvogin warns, Shalnark only sticking his tongue out in response before walking away.

"Ah so you two are colleagues then?" Y/N inquires, attention once again focused on the man before them. 

"It's nice to work with someone who's also your best bud. Makes for good times." Uvogin exclaims. Y/N sighs dejectedly while tracing their finger around the rim of their glass. "That sounds like fun..."

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