𝗠𝗮𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 || Feitan x F!reader

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~•~•~ Requested by: bajinx ~•~•~

"Feitan, you're being assigned a solo mission." Chrollo droned on, flipping through some papers he held in his hands as he spoke to the Troupe. "There's a masquerade being held in the York New City Museum to honor the newest addition... the scrolls of the lost city that was once developed on the Dark Continent. You are to infiltrate the masquerade and bring back the scrolls using any means necessary."

"Y/N... you've been assigned a new job!" An agent called out, waving the woman down as she briskly walked down the dimly lit hall. "I can't catch a break can I?" Y/N sighs, rubbing her temples as she snatched the folder from the rookie.

Skimming its contents, she smiles softly, enjoying what this job supposedly entails. "A masquerade this evening huh? It's been a while since I've gotten the opportunity to dress up..." She muses, turning around in a bid to continue her walk.

"Wait!" The agent calls out. Spinning back around, clearly peeved, Y/N crossed her arms expectantly, waiting for the man to continue. "The boss said there's a likely chance the Phantom Troupe will send someone in... so just... be careful."

"Tch! Who the hell do you think I am?" Y/N spits back. "Nothing I haven't dealt with before."

Spinning around, Y/N walks out of the repurposed building, excitement building up in her stomach at the prospect of an infiltration, let alone a masquerade.

~•~•~ That evening ~•~•~

Adjusting his mask, Feitan weaves his way through the crowd, trying to survey the area before making a move. Perturbed, he covers his ears as he approaches a speaker, the loud music causing him to lose his focus.

Caught off guard, he walks straight into a woman, his height making for an unfortunate situation. "Ugh, pervert!" Y/N snaps, slapping the short man across the face before storming off.

'Just great... all eyes on me now!' Y/N huffs, moving towards the edge of the crowd. Seeing a staircase that led to an indoor balcony, Y/N precariously climbs up, trying her hardest to act natural.

As she made small talk with a museum-goer, out of her peripheral she spots the short man from earlier sneaking around.

'Takes one to know one...' Y/N thinks, knowing well that this man was the competition the agent had mentioned in passing.

Suddenly feeling pressed for time, Y/N says a curt goodbye to who she was talking to before climbing up the rest of the staircase. Noticing the scrolls were placed in the very center of the ballroom, Y/N sighs as she sees the dense crowd surrounding it as everyone vied to get a look.

Figuring she should ensure the scroll isn't a fake, Y/N climbs back down the staircase, intent on passing by the dance floor towards the scroll.

Nearby, Feitan came to the same conclusion, trying to weave his way through the dancers. Suddenly, he feels a shove on his back, and he goes tumbling towards the middle of the floor.

Y/N felt a similar shove, and much to her disdain, she came face to face with her competition.

Both knew they couldn't leave the dance floor without looking suspicious, thus both came to the same conclusion within a split second.

Offering his hand to the taller woman, Feitan sighs as she slides her hand into his, placing her other hand on his shoulder. Like it was intended for them and only them, the dance floor clears, and soon it's only Y/N and Feitan.

For sworn enemies, their chemistry was undeniable. Feitan led their dance, Y/N effortlessly following along, a beautiful flow that was entrancing to the attendees who now surrounded them.

It didn't take long for Feitan to lose himself in the dance, looking up to Y/N's masked face. He could tell she was a beautiful woman, her skin radiant, lips curved into a small, nearly invisible smile, and her dress flowing along with their movements. Subconsciously, his hands move to Y/N's hips, and for some unknown reason, his heart began to beat rapidly.

Distracted, he doesn't notice the clamor on the other end of the ballroom, nor everyone's diverted attention.

Taking this opportunity, Y/N breaks away from Feitan, wiggling out of his grasp. Before he knew it, she had sprinted across the room, swiftly removing the glass encasing.

Before she could reach for the scroll, Feitan had snapped out of his trance, and had run to the open target. In the blink of an eye, he steals the scroll, giving Y/N a mocking wink as he runs out with the scroll.

Placing the glass back, Y/N sighs in defeat, moving to get back to the masses before anyone noticed her. As she takes a step, she feels something under her foot, picking it up to see a discarded napkin with something scribbled on it...

'Let us dance once more.'

'Midnight... the harbor."

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