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                    You found yourself in a makeshift bed in a messy room, remembering the events of yesterday. You saw a snoring figure on a bed with mangled brown hair and baggy clothes. You got a coat on and looked at the time, it was 10:30. You saw a window and climbed out of it, luckily it had a staircase. You took off your glam revealing your demon form, as the wind brushed against you, you used your powers to teleport to Yin and Jin, you needed to give them a report. As you looked at the door that was terribly put together you stepped in.

            You saw your brothers scheming again and said sarcastically, "GASP Are you scheming without me?" you clutched your chest dramatically. As Yin rolled his eyes and Jin gave you a hug. As you told them what was happening you also told them where it was that you "lived". They nodded and put their hands to their chins. You felt calm and happy to be with them. "Are we going to meet up every Sunday at 10:30?" the gold one said. You replied with a nod and looked at the time. It was already 12. Great. "I've gotta go soon, or they'll be suspicious."

              The two pouted, it was hilarious that you've all done this multiple times but hated being apart, like a puzzle missing its pieces. You made a replica as best as you could of mini you so they wouldn't be lonely, it looked strange because of your magic but they still loved it regardless. You had smuggled some of Pigsy's noodles with you and you all had late dinner, nothing could separate you three as you all finished you waved back to your brothers and sadly walked away. You'd already teleported earlier so you thought a walk would be nice, it wasn't too far after all.

                      As you walked back up the staircase you tried to be as quiet as you possibly could, but you heard some giggling on the roof, well the window was locked anyway so what was the harm right? You climbed up the stairs and started to see red... hair? You were going to see more but you had tripped on a flower vase alarming them you were there. 'Shoot' you thought to yourself as the voice shrieked and the dawning sky lit a blaze with fire, and it was gone as soon as it came. You were bouncing on one foot and looked to see the monkey kid and singe marks next to him where the fire once was.

                                 You both just stared at each other for a crisp 30 seconds that felt like a crunchy hour. Until the silence was interrupted by the monkey kid "whatcha doing out here?" you forgot about that, so you made up a lie. "OH! I went for a late night walk... who was that you were giggling with?" he suddenly became very flustered and started fumbling with his jacket, "it was just a... a friend!" he said loudly. You knew this was a lie but went along with it anyway. You had suddenly remembered to put on your glam. You did so, luckily you were covered in a cloak so he didn't seem to notice. "So, uh, why are you up here?" monkey kid asked as you responded with a simple, "the window's locked"

                       "Oh crap, then we need to wait for Pigsy to open shop, sorry I locked it." he said suddenly. So you just sat next to him and stared into the sun. you were both quiet then you said, "what's your name or should i keep calling you 'the monkey kid'?" he chuckled at your comment and said, "It's long so my nickname is MK." 'Wow, I could've been doing this the whole time.' and he looked at you expectantly rolling his wrist at you. You realized what he was trying to say "y/n" you spoke in a calm manner "cool name y/n." he said trying it out. "Thanks I guess you have a cool name too." you said with sarcasm. He playfully punched your shoulder and you both giggled, it'll be so satisfying screwing with everyone. 

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