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              It was an ordinary day, considering MK and Mei's schenagins. Even though you were used to random people coming in, you weren't expecting the mayor to come in! He was strange, and not in a good way, his voice was slightly annoying, and he acted weird. He didn't have pupils either. He gave this strange key to MK, you felt like your insides were squirming around, you really didn't feel ok about this "mayor". You eyed at the key as the two were playing with it, MK unlocking his inner self in the process.

               They invited you to try it out and take it for a spin. You agreed, you don't think they could handle themselves without adult you all went and tried all this stuff, you were just there observing what was happening, the more it unlocked the worse you felt about it to the point where you were giving it a death stare. It was going to attract unwanted attention from demons you couldn't beat. And you felt somewhat responsible for them. You tried to shake away these feelings and worry.

                 But no matter how hard you tried you couldn't help the feeling you guys were followed. You told the two to stay put while you got... something, luckily they didn't question you and you checked the perimeter, tring to see what was following, if anything was. After the 100th time checking you heard a screech, you recognize it as MK's, y'know, because that's how you met. You ran to them as fast as you could, but you were too late. Seeing them covered in scratches and bruises twisted your stomach and squeezed your heart.

                You ran to their sides, they were both passed out. You got them to Pigsy's Noodles and lay them down, you were swarmed with questions, but you were already panicking. You covered your ears and squeezed your eyes shut, and sat there as they kept asking you questions. You opened your eyes when you heard a shuffle coming from Mei, everyone was silent. Unlike what they did for you, they gave her and MK space, and let them answer questions and talk to themselves. As they concluded their talk, you knew you were right. You WERE being followed.

              You made only one mistake, leaving them without your protection, you couldn't do much but if you were there, you could've bought time for them and they could escape, unscathed. You felt silent tears roll down your cheeks as you felt guiltier the further they explained their pain. Without you noticing, they made a plan on how to get the key back, you went along, quickly wiping off your tears. You were set as a distraction, the very thing you are. You needed to stop thinking about yourself and instead focused more on how you were gonna help. You had gone through the plan in your head religiously.

And so it begins.

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