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               Your limp body floated off the ground after LBD had taken spiders' lives. It felt like you were connected to a puppet string and you felt your limbs twist and turn stiffly as the blue cracks in your skin grew wider and took over your body and arms, you screamed in agony, the blue felt like fire, burning you and boiling your blood. The screams were amplified as the husk screamed too, tears were threatening to fall the bigger the blue grew. You had control over your body once again but you were chained, you struggled against the chains as you screamed louder while tears spilled from your eyes. Your screams of pain and torture were mixed with delusional laughing, from Mayor.

            You could feel the blue burning everywhere as it crept onto your face. The burning suddenly stopped and you were dropped on your knees. You were panting hard and shaking violently, you made the mistake of looking up LBD took your face in her hands forcefully and said with a bone chilling voice, "Better? You should be." she threw you aside, the burning still kept on raging as your exhaustion was dispersed. You looked and felt like a useless child as you saw her tell the mayor, "Deal with them Mayor." to which he replied, "yes my lady." you tried to back up more into the wall and failed as he raised his fist and blue chains gripped onto your limbs and neck forcefully.

              You struggled at them and screamed out in pain as the blue burning sensation came back. He started muttering words in a foreign language you didn't understand. And the pain stopped. The chains disappeared but you could still feel them. You scrambled to your feet and tried to make a run for it, no one followed you and the chains appeared in the same places and tripped you. You were already panicking and running on a crap ton of adrenaline. LBD had already disappeared as the mayor told you with an almost pitiful look, "You owe us for saving your life, you will pay with your services."

           You understood what he meant, but you had to get out! You thought you were free, after all this pain you endured, you weren't. He had told you your orders, bring LBD the monkey king and MK. They already had another to help but they weren't so sure about him. You were sent on your way and hurriedly got out of there as fast as you could, never looking back to the chuckling Mayor. You got outside only to see a huge white and blue mech and in the center, the thing you feared, LBD. you ran to the scene as fast as you could but never made it as ice spread out onto the city. You saw a ship fly out, looking like MK's mech, you were panting heavily and soon the adrenaline was going away.

              You took it all in, every single thing that had happened, and finally, the blue cracks that spread all over you. This was a nightmare, doing the exact thing you feared. You banged on your head and screamed trying to get something, anything out of you. You fully registered this was your body that you can control, but with a price, your service. No matter how hard you tried, the mayor and LBD's laughter echoed through your mind, over and over.

           There was no escape.

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