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You had been sitting with your back leaned up against the couch for you didn't even know how long. Your cheeks were stained with dried tears as you looked around the destruction in the house you had come to love in these past years. Chewing on your lower lip your tried to stop your teeth from clattering as you took in deep, shaky breaths. The world around you was still, and quiet as you closed your eyes. They snapped open at the sound of groaning coming from the body laid on the floor next to you. You didn't bother lifting your head just shifted your eyes focus as Billy bolted upright with a start.
"wha- where" he cleared his throat "max" he groaned out rubbing a hand over his temple.
"they're gone" you mumbled. He snapped his head over to you his features softening as he looked at you.
"y/n?" he asked confused
"Hargrove" you responded plainly. He rose to his knees before scooting towards you. You flinched as he reached a hand up to your face. His hand stilled as he gulped and licked his lower lip.
"are you-" he took in a breath "scared of me" Tears welled in your eyes as you turned your face away from him.
"why shouldn't I be" you whispered
"y/n-" Billy shook his head while furrowing his brows "I would never hurt you, you know that"
"you attacked a Child William" you glared at him. He was taken back by the use of his first name. "and nearly killed my bestfriend" you took in a shaky breath.
"So harringtons your bestfriend now" he clenched his jaw.
"really, that's what you're taking from this discussion" you shook your head not believing his audacity. "I cant believe I thought you were different" You stood up from your spot.
"y/n wait" Billy groaned as he stood up.
"go home Billy" you turned towards him. Eyes welled with tears. "just go home" your voice broke as you leaned on the kitchen island.
"no" he stood his ground. "i'm not going til we talk about this"
"what's there to talk about" you scoffed "you're cruel and down right abusive" you glared over at him
"that's not fair. you know what he's like" he pointed at the door exasperatedly.
"the way you're treated does not give you an excuse to be a fucking asshole" your body shook as you spoke. "i know you can be a nice guy Billy because I've seen it" you hugged your arms across your body as tears slid down your cheeks. "but i CANNOT be with you, if you can't show the whole world the Billy that I know and love" his eyes glistened as you spoke. "Max is a sweet, sweet girl and she should not be scared to go home because of YOU"
"y/n please just"
"go home William" you said for a final time before turning on your heel and going into Jonathan's bedroom. You listened for the front door closing before sliding down the bedroom door and finally letting the tears fall freely.

Sweeping up the living room you cleaned up the debris the best you could. Your mind was completely blank the only sound to be heard was the slight pass of the brush bristles hitting the floor. Turning your head to the side you looked out the broken front window to see the stars above. Taking in a deep breath you closed your eyes...

"Look it's Orion" you smiled from your spot. You and Billy were laying on your roof looking up at the sky, soft music emitting from your window. Billy furrowed his eyebrows shaking his head lightly.
"i don't see it" he mumbled.
"here" you scooted closer to him and grabbed onto his arm sticking it out in front of him. You pulled out his pointer finger and aimed it at the end of the constellation. "see that star" you looked over at him quickly before turning your head back to the sky "that's his head" You traced the pattern with Billy's pointer finger. "and that, is his bow" Billy smiled over at you.
"how do you know all this stuff."
"before Gab was born" you sighed lowering the both of your hands "my dad and I used to go camping all the time" you smiled to yourself. "As a kid i knew almost all the constellations. But now i could probably only point out Orion and probably the big and little dipper" you giggled. You turned your head to see the older boy smiling cheekily at you. "what?" you asked with a smile.
"you're cute" he leaned over kissing your cheek.
"shut up" you shoved him earning a chuckle in response.

"Alright" you heard the front door push open breaking you from your trance. Dustin walked through the door with his arm wrapped around Steve. "sit right here i'll get you an ice pack" he plopped the older boy down on the couch. You walked over kicking his sneaker lightly with your foot.
"you look like hell" you joked with a soft smile.
"i've looked worse" he smiled up at you "how're you" he smiled.
"why are you asking me that" you brushed off the question taking the ice pack from Dustin and holding it up to Steve's face. "You're the one who got beat up" you pointed out.
"y/n-" Steve sent you a look
"Steve really i'm fine" you replaced some of his bandaids.
"we not have been friends long. but i can tell you're not very fine" he winced as you went.
"sorry" you mumbled
"s' fine" He watched you as you worked but could tel your mind was somewhere else. "everyone makes mistakes" you looked over at him.
"what?" you asked.
"hell I make mistakes every day of my damn life" he laughed lightly
"what are you playing at Steven" you sighed.
"I hate Billy Hargrove's guts, that much is true" Steve nodded his head "he attacked one of MY little shits" he shook his head with a scowl. "but i'm willing to overlook it because i've heard the stories of how he acts around you from both you and Max" you licked your lips as Steve spoke. "everyone deserves to be loved y/n"
"Steve, I don't-" he shook his head cutting you off.
"i'm just saying, it's your choice"

you couldn't be more confused

two uploads? in the same month? where's my gold star?

published 6/29/22

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now