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Sitting on your couch you purse your lips while staring down at your homework binder. Your focus drifted to your suit clad best friend sitting on the floor next to your younger sister. He was deep in thought staring at the deck of cards in his hands trying to figure out just how to play the game Gabby was trying to teach him. "Uno" he set down a card on the top of the play deck. You leaned forward peeking over his head to see the color and mouthed it over to your little sister who in turn giggled outwardly. Steve furrowed his brows and looked behind him at you sat on the couch. "Are you ladies cheating?" he gasped in mock offense.
"no" Gabby giggled
"why you little cheat" Steve propped up onto his knees and tackled her in a hug beginning to tickle her sides. You smiled to yourself as you watched your sister lost in a fit of giggles. Gabby ran out of the room due to the calling of her name and Steve turned towards you, the smile on his face prominent. "she's a cute kid" he stood from the ground and plopped down on the couch next to you.
"i know she is" you smiled lowering your pencil to the paper you were working on.
"Are you doing homework right now? it's the weekend" He reached forward picking up the math worksheet.
"Yeah and I would have had it finished last night but, the whole Billy Fiasco" You played with the hem of your black dress.
"So that whole thing is serious" He set aside the paperwork and ran his hands through his hair.
"yeah" you smiled with a nod of your head "it is to me atleast"
"is it to him though"
"i think so" you reached over and clasped steve's hand in yours "im ok steve really, and if he does anything you have my permission to beat him with your bat" that got a grin from your best friend
"it's just that," he held his lower lip between his forefinger and thumb.
"Just what Steven" you set aside your binder, saving it for later.
"he's the kind of guy who has boobies on his wall" Steve threw his hands up exasperated
"Steven!" you scolded smacking him playfully in the arm
"what he is" he laughed grabbing a pillow to block himself from your attack
"you have boobie pictures Steve" you laughed at him
"i do not" he defended but the voice crack mid sentence gave away his lie.
"you so do, i've seen the calendar Steven"
"stop snooping in my room" he smacked you with his pillow.
"I didn't have to snoop, it was out in the open" your laughter continued until the front door opened. Max stood in the doorway, hands held tightly to the sides of her black dress.
"Are you guys ready?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Steve looked at his watch on his wrist before running a hand through his hair.
"yeah we should probably go" He stood with a groan and offered you a hand to help you up. "ready?" he asked
"as i'll ever be" you let out a deep exhale and followed the two of them to the car.
"hate funerals" Steve sighed before starting the car and beginning his drive down the road.

You watched from the side of the reception clear plastic cup in hand as Hopper comforted Joyce and Jonathon comforted Nancy. Your eyes wandered to Will sitting on the stairs a little ways away by himself. The gravel crackled under your feet as you made your ways towards him.
"How's it going Will The Wise" you ruffled his hair and plopped down next to him. He looked over at you with tears in his eyes.
"did you know Bob was the founder of Hawkins AV" he asked
"no I didn't know, small world huh" you clasped your hands together.
"he- he was a good guy" Will choked back a sob.
"yeah he was buddy" you sniffled rubbing Will on the back.
"y/n?" he asked after a moment of silence.
"yeah?" you looked over at the younger boy.
"is this- is this my fault" he looked up at you through tear filled eyes.
"no" you shook your head "no will none of this is your fault" you pulled him into a hug
"But I'm the reason we were at the lab, I'm why Bob was there. I'm- im" he struggled to catch his breath.
"will look at me" you held him by the shoulders and quickly wiped away his tears. "absolutely none of this is your fault" he squeezed his eyes shut and leaned into you crying softly into your shoulder. "none of it" you whispered into his hair and rubbed his back

sorry for the short and also. sad. chapter.

published - 7/21/2022

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now