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Standing in Steve's kitchen you stood over the stove moving around the Jiffy Pop. "Is it done yet?" Steve looked over at you impatiently. He was sitting on his kitchen counter kicking his feet back and forth.
"I swear you're worse than Gab" you chuckled, shaking your head.
"proud of it too" he hopped off the counter with a groan at the sound of the door bell ringing. "gotta be the pizza" he reached for his wallet. You made your way around the kitchen quietly humming to yourself as you reached for a bowl for the popcorn. After pouring the snack into its new container you popped a piece into your mouth as you listened to muffled talking.
"i didn't realize you like to have conversations with the pizza man" you smirked stepping into the main room. Steve looked back at you, making you furrow your brows. "what?" you asked. He peeled the door open enough so you could see who was standing on the porch.
"Your mom told me you were here" Billy stood in front of Steve, hands stuffed into his jacket pockets.
"uh yeah," you set the bowl down on the table in front of the couch. "movie night" you nodded your head. Billy nodded his head running his hands through his hair. "did you.. need something?" you asked tilting your head to the side.
"no" he shook his head "no" he mumbled looking down at his feet. Steve let out a huff before finally speaking again.
"Did you want to join us?" you raised your brows at his words.
"I-" Billy shook his head "what?"
"simple yes or no question Hargrove" Steve pat his hand against his front door in annoyance.
"no, no i should... go" he pointed behind him.
"right" Steve licked his lips. "bye then?"
"yeah. uh bye". Steve looked over at you once he closed his door with a 'what the fuck was that' kinda look. You stuck your hands up in exasperation.
"fuck if i know" you plopped down on the couch.

"bye Stevie" you closed his car door behind you
"i'll see you tomorrow, better be ready" he pointed at you accusingly
"ok mom" you joked turning around to walk up your porch. You waved Steve off as he drove down the road. "he's gone you can come down now" you hugged your arms across your body. With a thud Billy jumped out of the tree in your front yard. "i see there's no new bruises today" you pointed out.
"yeah i've kinda been avoiding going home" He licked his lips as he looked at you. You let out a sigh before a small smile tugged at your lips.
"c'mon" you grabbed one of his hands pulling him behind you into your house. You clenched your jaw as your eyes landed on your dad passed out in his recliner with the tv still on. "I'll be right up" you mumbled, nudging your head towards the stairs. Billy stared at you for a few seconds before nodding his head and quietly ascending the stairs. You stepped into the den clicking off the tv and picked up the discard bottles. As you reached the kitchen to set the bottles on the counter you noticed a drawing attached to the fridge. Plucking it from its magnet you smiled to yourself at the small stick figures with a sun and a rainbow in the background. the stick figures were holding hands one bigger than the other 'sissy' and 'me' wiping your tears quickly you hung it back up before sending another look at your dad. You made your way up the stairs and down the hall. Poking your head into Gabby's room you smiled at her sleeping face being shined on by her star shaped night light. Closing your door behind you you stepped into your bedroom. Peeling your jacket off your shoulder you looked over at Billy who was sitting on your desk chair obviously deep in thought.
"Why'd you come to Steve's?" he looked up at the sound of your voice.
"uh, i don't know" he rubbed his hands down his pants "just needed to see you" you chewed your upper lip as you looked over the curly headed man. He seemed as if he was still deep in thought, making you let out a few shallow breaths. You took a few steps until you reached your record player prepped up on your bookshelf. Sliding a record out of its protective sleeve you carefully lowered the needle. Billy watched you as you turned towards him while 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' by The Beatles played lowly through the speaker.
"What are you doing?" he asked as you started swaying rhythmically and pushed your hand out towards him.
"I'm dancing," you pointed out matter of factly. "c'mon" you offered your hand again.
"I don't dance" he shook his head, eyeing your hand cautiously.
"You do now" you smiled to yourself. Billy stayed seated making you huff and stop your movements. "Whatever" you mumbled turning back towards your record to turn it off.
"Wait" Billy cringed before standing up. A smile graced your face as the song changed to 'With A Little Help From My Friends'. A smile slowly made its way across his face as he swayed with you hand in hand. He chuckled as he watched you enjoy your music. His eyes followed your every move as you danced without a care.

I get by with a little help from my friends

i'm gonna try with a little help from my friends...

Ya know how they dance in like harry potter and the deathly hallows. that's what i picture.
anyways just a little filler chapter.
also the song i was picturing is in the media if you haven't listened to it. idk do it?

alright peace

published 7/10/22

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now