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"I see you've upgraded to using the front door instead of shimmying down the drain pipe" Steve smirked at you and Billy from your kitchen counter as the pair of you made your way downstairs.
"Yeah whatever Harrington" Billy stuffed his hands in his pockets before sending you a quick look. He opened his mouth to say something before choosing against it and heading for the front door.
"Well he's a delight in the mornings" Steve popped a grape into his mouth.
"You're early" you pointed out "I don't think he exactly expected to see your shining face so early" you hopped up on the counter next to him.
"Your mom always gives me a cheese danish when I pick you up early" Steve smirked
"My mom, has a crush on you Steven" you flicked his head as Gabby trampled down the stairs.
"Steve!" she cheered excitedly rushing towards him.
"Short stop" Steve crouched down to her level accepting the hug from her. "I'll be honest I knew you two made up or whatever, but I didn't expect you to be sleeping with him"
"We didn't sleep together Steve, we just. Slept together?" you rubbed the back of your head. Steve sent you an unbelieving look. Your mom walked into the kitchen with a manila envelope in hand. "What's that" you asked, noticing her biting her lip. She took in a breath before sliding the envelope across the counter towards you. You furrowed your brows picking it up delicately. Peeling up the lip you shuffled the papers out and into your hands. You look up at your mom as a breath caught in your throat "Divorce papers?" you asked aloud.
"Alright Gab let's go play with that lite brite yeah?" Steve sent you a quick look before your little sister excitedly rushed him out and into the den.
"What" you shook your head "so what exactly does this mean?" you stared down at the papers.
"Your father has asked for a divorce" you shook your head thinking you heard her incorrectly.
"Dad.. asked for the divorce" you reiterated. Your mom nodded her head. "Why?" you scanned through the paper work as tears welled in your eyes.
Your mom licked her lips before looking down ashamed, "your father," she started "found out he isn't Gabriella's father" your head snapped up
"What?" you threw down the papers
"You mean to tell me this whole time" you looked down putting your head in your hands "oh god, this whole time you've been lying to us, to him"
"y/n" your mom tried again.
"Does Gabby know?" your mom shook her head "do you even know who her dad is" she opened her mouth to talk before looking down again and shaking her head no. "I- have to go" you turned around on your heel and walked into the den trying to hold in your shock. "Steve lets go, please" He sent you a quick look before nodding his head. He smiled down at your little sister.
"We can play again next time I come over, alright Gab" Gabby nodded enthusiastically as Steve followed you out to his car. You propped yourself on the hood of his car and chewed on your nail. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.
"my mom has never been a faithful woman" you spun the ring on your nail. "I think my dads always known that" you huffed out. Steve sent you a look that brought tears to your eyes. "i just never thought" you choked back a sob "that she would go that far" you finally let the tears fall. Steve's eyes widened as he stilled for a split second before pulling you into his chest.
"isn't the divorce a good thing? maybe it'll help your dad" he leaned back slightly to see your face while keeping his hand splayed across your back.
"I read the papers Steve" you rubbed your eyes with your palms "his only request was he gets custody over me.." Steve bit down on his jaw as you spoke.
"well you're almost 18 right" you sniffled and nodded your head. "everything's gonna be fine, alright?" he rubbed your back before pulling away from the hug.
"alright" you whispered. He pulled open the passenger door for you allowing you to plop down. As Steve drove down the street a realization dawned on you. "Does this mean I have to go to court?" you furrowed your brows looking over at your best friend. He snickered and nodded his head.
"yeah, i think that's how that works."
"dammit" you huffed letting a small smile past your lips.


short. ik i'm sorry. yeah.

published 7/15/2022

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now