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You laid with your head on Billy's bare chest that was glistening with sweat. He hummed gently along to the music that was still filling your room as he played with your fingers, a cigarette dangling between his lips.
"hasn't anyone ever told you it's bad to smoke in bed?" you took the stick out of his mouth, Placing it into your own. He smirked to himself as he watched you blow a puff of smoke before carefully putting out the cigarette on your bedside table.
"i think it's worth the risk" he leaned up, placing a kiss to your swollen. His movements stilled, sitting up ever so slightly as he held on to one specific finger.
"is this.. a purity ring" he furrowed his brows with pursed lips. You tilted your head to see what he was focusing on.
"that it is" you stated while he ran his fingers over the simple gold band.
"you naughty girl" he smirked over at you "what will daddy think" he kissed the top of your head.
"Daddy is a drunk who's going through a divorce" you sat up holding the sheet to your bare chest "what he doesn't know won't hurt him" you leaned down placing a chaste kiss on Billy's chapped lips. He smiled into it and nipped on your lower lip.
"who knew you were such a bad girl babydoll" he squeezed your side while biting down on his lower lip. He picked your hand back up and slid the ring off your finger, setting it carefully on your bedside table. "Well you won't be needing that anymore" Billy ran a hand through his curls. You looked down lost deep in thought about the little girl who was so excited to receive that ring from her dad. Your fingers absentmindedly ran over the small tan line on your ring finger. Billy picked up his watch and looked down at the time "christ I gotta go" you lifted your head to watch him kick his legs over the side of the bed. Standing up he carefully pulled his clothes back on. "i'll see you tomorrow" he grabbed your chin and pulled you into a quick kiss.
"oh ok" You watched him reach for his jean jacket before pushing open your window and stepping out. You got up and reached for your clothes strewn about on the floor. You let out a sigh before crawling under your covers and chewing on your nail. "what the fuck did I just do" You looked sadly down at your barehand.

Closing your locker door you turned to Steve who was leaned back against the closed lockers, hands shoved in his pockets. "you're my best friend, right?" you asked. Steve slowly turned his head towards you, a look of surprise etched on his face.
"yes...?" Tilting his head to the side he readjusted his stance opting to cross his arms over his chest.
"so i can tell you anything right"
"the way you're saying that is, I'll be frank slightly worrying" Steve stuck his tongue into his cheek before sucking his teeth. "but yes i do believe that's what the title bestfriend entails" he pursed his lips nodding his head.
"I slept with Billy" you spat out rubbing your ring finger with the fingers on your other hand. Obviously catching Steve off guard as he shook his head and looked at you with wide eyes.
"i slept-"
"yeah no i heard what you said" he stopped you "i think we need to find you some girlfriends" he shook his head rubbing his brow bone.
"Steve" you groaned "you said anything"
"I know what I said y/n but honestly I don't think you want to hear my opinions because they're not good ones" Both your heads snapped to the front door as Billy came strutting in followed by his group of friends. Your eyes immediately clocked what was dangling from the chain around his neck. You gulped, biting down on your jaw. "what the fuck" Steve furrowed his brows immediately reaching for your hand. "you were serious" He looked out at you with his mouth in the shape of an "o".
"did you think that was something I would lie about Steven" you pulled your hand from his grip.
"I DON'T KNOW" he tugged at his own hair. "when did you-"
"three days ago" you lowered your voice looking down at your shoes. "he hasn't spoken to me since"
"son of a bitch" Steve turned on his heel and marched straight towards Billy.
"Steve?" you called after him but he didn't falter in his steps.
"Hey" he tapped Billy on the shoulder. Billy turned around, his smirk etched across his face as he paused his conversation.
"something I can do for you Har-" Steve immediately swung a punch into Billy's jaw. "-rington" Steve let out a breath and shook out his fist.
"Steve!" you ran up to them
"I probably deserve that huh" Billy whispered so only Steve could hear.
"ya think" Steve scoffed, flexing and unflexing his fingers
"what the fuck Steve" you mumbled getting between them
"You gonna take that punch Bill" one of the boys behind Billy spoke up. Billy clenched his jaw, straightening his posture.
"y/n move" Steve looked you dead in the eye
"what" you shook your head.
"move" Steve pushed you out of the way as Billy shoved him to the ground pummeling him with punches. Your eyes widened as you watched it all unfold.
"alright that's enough" A teacher pulled them apart and you immediately ran to Steve who was laid on the floor holding his ribs. In the corner of your vision you watched Billy's friends pat him on the back.
"i bet she's slept with Harrington too-" "skank" "she can't be THAT good Bill cmon"
Billy's eyes stayed locked on your own as you looked up at him through hurt and tears.
"c'mon Steve" you helped him up "you didn't need to protect my honor" you joked as he put his arm around your shoulders for stability
"Bestfriends job right" he smiled through the pain, blood staining his teeth.
"right" you smiled back at him. You sent one last look at Billy who's gaze stayed locked on his bruised and bloodied knuckles. "Let's get you an ice pack" you mumbled and led your best friend to the nurses station.

Later that night you sat at your desk homework laid out in front of you, pencil in your grip. The noise of someone trying to open your window only to realize it's locked broke your concentration making you let out a deep exhale. The knocking started soon after causing your focus to shift as you leaned back in your seat. "The window is locked" Billy pointed out as you turned and looked in his direction.
"kind of the point" you spun your pencil in your fingers.
"doll" Billy sighed "open the window" You stood up and walked in his direction.
"no" you closed the curtains and plopped back in your seat.
"y/n open the window or i will go downstairs and have your mother let me in" You took in a deep breath before inevitably pulling open the curtains and unlocking the window. Stepping to the side and away from the window Billy was pulling open, you locked your bedroom door and crossed your arms. Groaning as his boots hit the floorboards Billy crossed the threshold into your room. "Are you really gonna do this right now?" Billy asked, stepping toward you, reaching his hands towards your waist.
"Please don't touch me Billy" you turned your head away from him.
"Do you know where I've been all afternoon?" Billy crossed his arms over his chest. You shook your head with a shrug. "i've been at Harringtons" Billy sighed, uncrossing his arms, he grabbed your chin making you look at him. "Harrington's, apologizing" he explained. Letting go of your chin Billy lowered his hands down to your own, interlocking his fingers with yours. "and i realized it wasn't Steve i should have been apologizing too, though he did take it with grace" Billy chuckled. "my friends are stupid, i shouldn't of felt the need to pummel in your bestfriends face" he huffed out. You watched his eyebrows furrow as he got lost in thought. "I deserved the punch I know I did, I should have called" he bit down on his jaw, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand. "There's just so much going on at home and I just-" you cut him off with a shake of your head.
"you don't have to explain yourself"
"No I do because when I saw you get worried about Steve I just, I got jealous and I shouldn't have gone off like I did" Billy shook his head as tears filled his eyes. you reached your hand up and cupped his cheek rubbing with the pad of your thumb. "i'm sorry for not calling" he cleared his throat
"it's ok" you whispered, giving him a small smile.
"i love you, i'm just... scared"
"I know William. I know" you leaned up on your tiptoes planting a kiss on the corner of his mouth as tears slowly slid down his cheeks. "i know"

idfk i don't like this chapter either i'll be honest

published 7/18/2022

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now