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      You stared down at the book on your lap as you gently and quietly turned the page. You felt something hit your forehead and looked up at billy who was smirking from the chair at your desk. "What'd you throw at me" You asked smiling lightly. He shrugged his shoulders then ran a hand through his curly mane. You shook your head a small smile on your lips before looking back down at your book
"Will you go to a party with me" You looked up at him with your brows furrowed
"You know party's aren't my thing billy" He stood up walking towards you then sat behind you on your bed
"Well yeah, i know. If you get uncomfortable we'll leave. I promise" You contemplated for a second before leaning back against him
"Okay" You said quietly
"Yeah?" he smiled. He nodded as he kissed the top of your head
"Let me change" You stood up walking to your dresser
"Why?" he asked resting his arm over one of his knees
"I'm not wearing.. This.." You said referring to your 'comfy' clothes "To a party" You pulled out a light pink sweater then walked towards your closet and grabbed a white skirt. You walked to the bathroom and changed before styling your hair. You put half of it up in a light pink scrunchy to match your sweater. You stepped out of the bathroom to see Billy flipping through your book
"What book is this" he asked skimming through the pages
"The Color Purple" You sat down on the end of the bed and slipped on your high tops
"Ready to go darling?" Billy asked stretching his hand out towards you. You took it and smiled as the two of you made our way down the stairs
"Sissy?" You looked up the staircase and saw Gabbie rubbing her eyes
"Yes Gabs?"
"Where are you going?" she asked softly
"I'll be home later. Go back to sleep baby" You turned around and followed Billy out the front door and towards his car. He opened the door for you before running to the other side to get in his door. He put his arm around the back of your seat before starting his drive to wherever this party was.

"Steve!" You greeted and made my way towards him
"Hey!" he smiled and handed you a water bottle knowing you're not a big drinker "How are things with Hargrove?" You let out a quiet sigh before shaking your head
"You know... I don't really know" He nodded his head like he understood before taking a sip of whatever was in his cup
"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked
"Nothing that i know of. Why whats up"
"Dustin said something about Dart? I don't really know. I figured you'd wanna help out considering what happened last year. Ya know in the upsi-" You shuttered before cutting him of
"Please don't talk about it" He nodded giving you sympathetic smile. You looked over and shook your head at the sight of Billy doing a keg stand.
"You seem like you don't want to be here" You turned my head to Steve as he ran a hand through his hair.
"I dont" You sighed "It's not me" You looked down at your shoes
"Then why come"
"Billy asked me too"
"Right" he scoffed
"What" you asked
"So you're just gonna do whatever he asks, even if it clearly aggravates you anxiety" 
"What do you mean" You looked up at him
"I mean, I can clearly tell your anxious. I'd hope the guy who's practically dating you would be able to tell too" You thought about it for a moment
"You know about my anxiety?" You asked confused he just laughed
"I calmed you down from that attack in the music room, right after Nancy dumped me" you nodded remembering
"Did I ever thank you for that"
"Now you have" he smiled
"IF you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two"
"Apparently everything's Bull shit, I'm Bull shit, our relationship was bull shit. And she was never in love with me" he shook his head chuckling sourly before gulping down the rest of his drink
"Steve i'm really sorry" You put your hand on his shoulder.
"Hey it's alright, I wasn't the best boyfriend in the world anyways" you smiled at him as you continued small talk and more people started to show up to the party
"Do you want me to take you home" He said looking around all of the people you nodded your head quickly
"Just uh let me tell Billy. If i can even find him" You looked around the crowd
"Let me help" you both swayed through the people towards the keg hoping Billy was there though he sadly wasn't.
"Taylor have you seen Hargrove?" You asked as the blonde turned towards you.
"he was looking for some girl her came with last i saw him"
"When was that" Steve asked
"Uh like 5 ish minutes ago" You nodded then thanked him as you continued on our way through the crowd. You found him on the couch with girls literally all over him. You groaned before stepping forward.
"I see you're busy. So Steve's gonna take me home" Steve glared in Billy's direction
"No you're not going with Harrington, we can leave in a couple minutes" Billy reached for your hand
"No Billy, I think the lady wants to leave now so if you'll excuse us" Steve smiled coldly before turning around dragging you with him to his car. He started the car and drove towards your street.
"Ya know Steve i think you're wrong" You scoffed at your realization
"about?" he looked over at you before focusing back on the road
"I don't think people change people.. at least not in this case" He looked at you sorrowfully before pulling up in front of your house
"Do you want to hang out for a bit?" You asked
"Hey why not" he shrugged as you both got out of the car and took a seat on the bench on the front porch of your house
"want a beer or something?" You asked
"I'll be right back" You stood up and walked towards your front door. You be lined for the fridge and grabbed two beers before popping them open and walking back towards the porch, grabbing a pack of cigarettes on the way. You tossed the cigs onto the bench before handing Steve one of the bottles
"Thought you don't drink" he stated taking a swig immediately
"Fuck it" You laughed pushing the bottle onto your lips and chugging down the beer
"Damn y/n" He laughed
"So tell me about you. Who is Steve Harrington really"
"An arrogant ass hole" You swung your legs over him
"Ah no you see i believe that is the definition of one Billy Hargrove" you both laughed at your remark
"In an all serious note.. How are you holding up. Listen I know you don't like to talk about it but I'm worried" You knew exactly what he meant
"It's just hard.. Telling a lie, living a lie. We all know i'm not stupid enough to get lost in the woods. We practically lived in the woods when we were younger. Gabbie's terrified to go out there now.. I just I don't know" You looked down slightly "Hand me that" You leaned forward and took the beer he was about to drink
"Um sure?" he laughed "How about.. The Barb situation"
"I see her... sometimes" You looked up to seeing Steve's eyes looking directly into your soul "She just.. Appears" You sigh
"I bet.. You did watch her die... do you get nightmares or anything.." he asked
"All the time, unless Billy's next to me," You said softly
"Wow" Steve smiled and reached for the beer back
"What" You asked
"If I didn't know any better, id say you were in love" You stared into the darkness of the night around you while playing with the hem of your skirt "Speak of the devil" Headlights broke the darkness as the roaring of Billy's Camaro came closer.
"You gonna be fine?" Steve asked taking the last sip of his bottle
"Yeah yeah, go on home. Get some sleep" You swung your feet off of him as you both stood up. Billy made his way towards the two of you. You hugged Steve goodbye and took the bottle from his hands. He walked down the steps passing Billy on the way. They both exchanged words but you were too far away to hear them.
"See you tomorrow Y/N" Steve waved getting into his car
"Bye Stevie boy" You laughed as he drove away turning your attention towards Billy. 
"You sure had fun tonight" You crossed your arms
"No as a matter of fact. I didn't" he chuckled dryly
"Sure looked like it" You picked up the other empty bottle and package of cigarettes while walking towards your front door
"I was to worried about you the whole time. Where were you. What were you doing. Who were you talking to"
"Ah yes that explains why you were with a bunch of girls"
"I'm sorry. Ok. I got jealous. I was jealous that you were laughing and joking with Harrington. There are you happy" You turned around and looked at him
"Why would you of all people be jealous Billy" You looked at him, his eyes softening as he stared at your face
"Why shouldn't I be" He asked walking towards you 
"Because everyone else in this world can tell that I'm hopelessly in love with you.. except for you" You scoffed. His mouth fell open as he stared directly into your e/c eyes
"You're.. in love with me" He asked again
"Damn it Billy" You grunted stepping towards him more. He immediately cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a passionate kiss.

"Be my girlfriend"

*Edited 8/6/20*

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now