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A/N - hello friends. if you read this chapter and then come back to read it again and it's gone. it's probably cause i changed my mind and didn't like it :)) ok continue on

"i'm not saying it's a bad movie" Steve flailed his hands trying to get his point across.
"That's exactly what you're saying steven" you laughed hugging your books closer to your chest as you both walked the halls of Hawkins High.
"I'm simply saying, it's kinda creepy" he ran his hand through his hair once you stopped at your locker.
"I just don't think you're appreciating how revolutionary it is" you shook your head sliding your books into their slots.
"it's a movie made with puppets" he sent you a look almost as if saying 'come on'
"it's Jim Henson" you stilled your hands "if you don't wanna watch it with me that's fine" you started "i'll just sit in my room by myself eating all my snacks... alone" you guilt tripped him.
"jeez y/n fine" he threw his hands up in surrender. You smiled triumphantly and returned your focus back to your locker. "can't believe i'm gonna watch a movie made with damn puppets" Steve complained
"What are best friends for if not to force you to watch The Dark Crystal?" You smiled, patting him on the back.
He rolled his eyes. "so what are your plans for christmas"
"uhh, not quite sure yet" you mumbled shutting your locker door and looking over at Steve "my parents and sister usually go to indianapolis to be with Grams and i've been spending the last few with the Byers" you crossed your arms over your chest "but i mean, me and jonny haven't really spoken much" you looked down at your shoes
"i'm sorry"
"don't worry about it, i'm happy for him" You licked your lips "just didn't realize when he got a girlfriend he wouldn't hang out with me anymore..." you trailed off "but i really am happy for him. He deserves Nancy" you outwardly cringed before looking up at Steve
"christ Steve i'm so sor-" he waved you off
"don't worry about it, your happiness is completely valid i wasn't the greatest boyfriend" he sighed running a hand through his quaffed hair. Just as you were about to speak again the door to the building opened. The room around you burst into whispers as Billy made his way down the hall. Your eyes followed his every move as you held your breath. Steve clenched his jaw as Billy walked past the two of you sparing you a quick glance. "So how'd that conversation go?" Steve looked back over at you. You licked your lips looking down at your shoes.

Sucking in a breath you raised your closed fist to the door. Before you could overthink what you were doing you knocked, three times. You rubbed your sweaty palms down your jean clad thighs. After waiting for a few minutes you furrowed your brows shaking your head. "this is dumb" you mumbled turning on your heels to head back down the stairs. As you began to make your descent the door peeled open a voice stopping you dead in your tracks. "L/N" You took in a deep shaky breath before turning back around.
"hi" You locked your eyes with Billy's. "can we.. talk" you rubbed your hands clammy together. Billy looked at you for a few seconds before blinking and nodding his head. "Great" you turned around plopping down on the steps of his porch. You bounced your leg as you heard the cautious thudding of his boots hitting the hardwood. Soon enough he plopped down next to you and took in a deep breath.
"I haven't-"
"i'm sorry-"
You both spoke at the same time.
"You first" he mumbled, interlocking his fingers and leaning on his knees.
"I'm sorry that I said such cruel things to you" you rushed out.
"no it's fine, i mean you're right. I'm not a good guy" he huffed out looking away from you. You shook your head, licking your lips and turning your body towards him.
"No" you stated matter of factly. "You are a good guy billy. No one ever gives you a chance to show it" You rested a hand on his knee. "I of all people should know trauma can change someone" You lifted your head and watched his side profile as you spoke. "Please look at me William" He turned his face toward you with tears in his eyes. You looked sadly over at his features. The healing bruises on his face and a scabbed over cut on his forehead. You reached your hand up cupping his cheek and rubbed your thumb over the fresh gash in his lower lip. He leaned into your touch and squeezed his eyes shut trying to stop the tears from falling. "c'mere" you mumbled standing up. You outstretched your hand and pulled him with you across the street. He didn't say a thing as he quietly followed you hand clenching tightly onto your own. You pushed open your front door and made your way to the stairwell. Turning your head to the side at the sound of pattering feet heading towards you you smiled softly at your little sister.
"Do you want to play?" She held her Lite Brite out toward you. You sent her a soft smile crouching down to her level.
"Not right now baby, but I'm all yours tonight. Promise" You ruffled her hair before continuing on your way up the stairs. Upon reaching your bedroom Billy let go making his way over to your bed. He plopped down on the edge of your mattress letting out a shaky breath. You closed the door behind the two of you before finaling returning your attention to him. You wrapped your arms around your body as he opened his mouth to speak.
"I've never-" his voice was hoarse, he cleared his throat. "I've never laid a single hand on Max before." you furrowed your brows. "I just need you to KNOW that I would never hurt her" he looked up at you. A breath catching in your throat as you lowered your arms.
"I know Billy" You stepped forward taking a seat next to him.
"I may have said some awful things" he continued "but i would never hurt her" a tear slid down his cheek. "I'm a horrible person y/n" he looked into your eyes
"no" you shook your head pulling him into you and he squeezed his eyes shut.
"I don't know why i'm like this" he finally let the tears fall crying into your shoulder. You reached up, rubbing his back and soothed him with soft, and kind words that you knew he needed to hear.

You looked back up at steve. "it went fine I think" you offered him a soft smile. He nodded his head taking a deep breath.
"as long as he owns up to all the shit he's done" he started locking his eyes with you. "i GUESS" he huffed faking an eyeroll "i can live in the same world as him"
You smiled and pulled Steve into a quick hug. "thank you" you mumbled into his shoulder.
"mhm" he rubbed your back before pulling away from the hug. "now back to the stupid movie" he started up again.
"oh my god" you threw your head back with a laugh before walking past him and down the hall.
"YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME IT'S NOT CREEPY" you shook your head as he ran after you.

published 7/4/22

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now