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   "y/n" wake up. The voices around you were muffled and you couldn't really tell who was speaking to you. As your vision cleared Dustin was leaned over your body shaking you carefully
"oh my god she's dead" Max spoke clearly freaking out. You let out a groan and sat up on your forearms
"i'm not dead max calm down" you reached and hand up and rubbed your temple
"oh thank god" Steve chuckled "are you alright" you looked around you and noticed you were still in the junk yard
"yeah yeah. i'm. i'm good" you tried to stand but almost fell over
"whoa alright let's take this slow" Steve grabbed hold of you to steady you.
"what happened y/n?" Lucas asked taking Steve's bat from him
"i uh think i just got over whelmed" you nodded your head "but i'm alright now. let's just, go" you gulped
"should we head towards-" you cut Dustin off
"yes" you nodded "that's where they're going. Wills a spy" you stumbled over to the train tracks as the group of kids followed behind you
"how's Jonathan?" Steve asked making you shrug your shoulders
"i actually haven't seen him" you answered truthfully "i think he's kind of put off by me and Billy getting close"
"oh well I can see why"
"and I have no clue how he's going to react to our new found friendship" you sighed and kicked a rock
"oh well i-"
"and you're positive that was Dart?" Lucas asked making you turn your head towards the younger kids
"yes he had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt" Dustin sighed
"but he was tiny two days ago" Lucas counter back
"yeah well he's molted three times already"
"malted?" Steve asked
"molted" you corrected
"she's his skin to make room for growth. like horn worms" Dustin nodded his head
"when's he gonna molt again?" Max asked
"it's gotta be soon" Dustin shook his head this time "when he does he'll be fully grown or close to it"
"yeah and so will his friends" you hugged your body
"yeah and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats" Dustin spoke again
"wait a cat?" Lucas asked "Dart ate a cat?"
"no what no" Dustin answered
"what are you talking about he ate mews" Steve answered confused
" Mews who's Mews?" Max asked
"Its Dustin's cat" you answered
"y/n!" Dustin scolded
"i knew it! you kept him" Lucas yelled
"oh god" you groaned and turned around turning out the boys bickering. Steve moved his flashlight around the woods until you both turned at the sound of screeching
"guys?" Steve asked but the younger kids kept fighting
"guys!" you tried again as the screeching continued. You and Steve walked towards the sound the two boys following you
"No, no, no. Hey, guys, why are you heading towards the sound?" Max asked exasperated before quickly following after us as the screeching continued
"I don't see him" Dustin spoke up
"it's the lab" you nodded
"they were going back home" Lucas shivered  "where you going?" he called out as you kept a steady pace towards the lab. Twigs popping under your feet with each step. As you all came to the clearing for the lab you noticed a car with it's headlights on. A very recognizable car at that.
"who's there?" you all heard and Steve shined his flashlight on them "Steve?" both the figures asked simultaneously 
"Nancy?" Steve asked back
"Jonathan" you stated cocking your head
"y/n? and Steve?" Jonathan shook his head
"yeah" you crossed your arms walking towards them
"what are you doing here?" Nancy asked annoyed 
"what are you doing here" Steve shot back
"were looking for mike and will" Nancy stated
"they're not in there are they?" your eyes widened and you turned to the building
"were not sure-" Nancy started
"why?" Jonathan asked immediately followed by screeching
"that's why" Dustin spoke gulping. You shivered and walked over to Jonathan car hopping on the hood kicking your feet as everyone talked about what was happening "what do you mean it wont open" Dustin spoke exasperated 
"He means it wont open Gummy" you groaned  
"shut it y/n could you maybe I don't know do something helpful"
"Oh yeah Dustin what am I going to do while were locked outside of the lab. Do you want me to jump the fucking fence" you spoke annoyed
"actually yeah that would be great if you could-" Steve cut Dustin off
"It was a rhetorical question dumb ass"
"look at you using big words"  you smirked 
"when was the last time you guys saw the boys" Nancy asked
"don't look at me I spent all day with gummy and farrah faucet" you smirked
"Y/n!" Steve pointed at you. you zoned out as everyone started bickering until Nancy's voice broke you out of your trance.
"The powers back" everyone shut up and turned towards the building. You hopped off the hood as everyone ran for the security booth. You tapped your foot impatiently as Dustin and Jonathan tried to open the gate.
"Ugh just fucking open" Dustin yelled the gate pulling open "Hey! I got it" Dustin said happily "I got it" he pointed out making you shake your head. You gulped upon feeling a jacket land on your shoulders followed by a pat on the back 
"Thank you" you mumbled upon realizing Jonathan gave you his jacket. You all fiddled uncomfortably and waited for something to happen.
"what are we waiting for" Max asked crossing her arms 
"If there's people in there they'll be coming out soon" Jonathan spoke 
"Hopefully" you grumbled 
"You know you're really not helping y/n" Lucas spoke
"sorry who got locked in the fucking upside down last year with these little shits" you turned to him glaring 
"alright everyone calm down" Steve spoke up. All your heads snapped up at the sight of headlights making their way towards you 
"oh mike please be in that car" Nancy spoke under her breath.
"let's go" Hopper opened the car door and you all stumbled in before he sped off "you alright kid?" Hopper asked you as if he was your dad 
"Yeah no i'm good just freaking out a little but i'm fine" you gulped 

You all sat in the Byers house as Hopper spoke on the phone. Steve watched you as you chewed on your bottom lip until he sat next to you. "what are you thinking about?" he asked 
"Billy" you nodded as Max looked up at you quickly before looking away 
"why" Lucas asked sneering at you getting a punch in the arm by Max "Ow" 
"excuse me" you gulped and walked out the front door sitting on the steps taking in deep breaths. You listened to faint shouting as everyone spoke and hugged Jonathan's jacket closer to your body. Steve ran out and dragged you inside 
"Jesus Steve what" you groaned and Dustin slapped down a book
"The mind flayer" you rubbed your temples confused 
"the hell is that" Hopper asked
"its a monster from an unknown dimension. It's so ancient that it doesn't even know its true home. Okay, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly-developed psionic powers." Dustin spoke looking between the group
"Is this dungeons and dragons?" you cocked your head reaching for the book
"Oh my god, none of this is real. This is a kids game" Hopper groaned 
"actually more adults play than kids but whatever" You grumbled
"No, it's a manual and its not for kids." Dustin corrected "and unless you know something that we don't, this is the best metaphor-" Lucas cut Dustin off
"analogy" he nodded
"analogy? that's what you're worried about" Dustin yelled. You rolled your eyes and read the text on the page "Fine fine, an analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is" 
"Gummy got a point hopper" you looked up
"Ok so this mind flamer thing-" Nancy started
"Flayer mind flayer" Dustin corrected
"shut up Dustin" you groaned sliding the book towards Nancy
"what does it want?" she asked
"to conquer us" you nodded your head
"basically, it believes its the master race" Dustin stammered out
"like the Germans" Steve asked nodding his head
"the Nazis?" you asked amused
"yeah yeah the Nazis" Steve corrected
"if the Nazis were from another dimension totally, um it views other races like us as inferior to itself." Dustin nodded
"it wants to spread and take over other dimensions" Mike added
"we are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it." Lucas spoke
"That's great. That's great. That's really great. Jesus!" Steve ran a hand through his hair pacing
"ok so if this thing is like a brain that's controlling everything, then if we kill it.." Nancy started
"we kill everything it controls." Mike nodded
"we win" Dustin spoke
"theoretically." Lucas added
"great. so how do we kill this thing?" Hopper asked
"Shoot it with fire balls or something?" you mocked
"no no no no fire- no fireballs" Dustin smiled "uh, you summon an undead army, uh because.. because zombies you know they don't have brains and the mine flayer it it likes brains" Dustin stuttered "its just a game. Its a game." Hopper slammed the book closed
"what the hell are we doing here?" he tossed it onto the table harshly. You rubbed your temples and got lost in deep thought tuning everything around you out.  With all hope you had in you. You hoped billy was ok.

Published 8/18/2020

a/n Thank you for sticking with this story even with my year long leave of absence. i promise that soon there will be more Billy in the story I'm just trying to finish up including you in season two then there will be a lot more original content in the time before season 3 would start!

I see, I care. *Billy Hargrove*Where stories live. Discover now