Chapter One

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The piercing screech of the brakes broke her from her reverie. The driver swung open the door as the bus came to a halt at the entrance of Aurora High.

Taylor sat alone against the window of her seat, her brown eyes peering out at the ominous building before her. It was yet another building within a sea of inescapable buildings she had inevitably become accustomed to. She grabbed her backpack and hoisted it over her shoulder as she hesitantly stood up to join the line forming in the narrow aisle along the center, her shoulder-length brown hair tangled in the straps.

The bus was animated with chatter between friends as the procession moved forward. The anxiety bubbled within her empty stomach. A boy with bright eyes and dusty blonde hair offered her the small space in front of him. She nodded and smiled shyly at the gesture as she quickly fell into line with her new peers.

As her feet landed on the pavement, Taylor paused to capture her surroundings. She tugged on each strap of the backpack anchored onto both of her shoulders as a crutch to brace herself. Students who were once behind her in line on the bus began to pass her on either side. Their stride was purposeful and came with ease. Taylor looked down at her feet that were adorned with bright red sneakers, her first pair of newly purchased shoes, and willed them to step forward to the large oak doors that marked the entry to the school. There were two surly female teachers, each using her body to hold open a door to welcome the noisy stampede of teenagers entering the building.

Taylor closed her eyes and felt the morning sun as the rush of students paraded by her. It was one of many first days for her, but this day was decidedly different. It even smelled different, inexplicably sweet. The promise it held urged her toward the doors, her feet feeling less weighty, ironically less chained by the insecurity of the unknown. She heard her feet lock into step with the students around her.

As Taylor crossed the threshold, she witnessed throngs of students crisscrossing in front of her, and a familiar buzz filled her ears. The school's interior was as formidable as its exterior; the large corridor stretched endlessly in front of her. There were rows upon rows of navy blue lockers, shiny black trim lined each doorway, and large limestone tiles covered the floors. The bulkhead just above her bore an image of a menacing figure—he was blue with horns and held a pitchfork in his hand. "Home of the Blue Devils" was plastered on the wall just beneath him.

Lockers slammed, passersby cast curious glances at her, and still others conspicuously whispered. She spotted the markers above the doorways within the hall. They were beacons. There was one printed in all caps, "OFFICE," to her left that Taylor reckoned was a suitable place to start.

Taylor quickly turned and walked into the office to the front desk. Sitting at the desk was a plump lady in her mid-50s, sorting through a stack of paperwork. Taylor stood nervously for a moment in front of the desk and noted the nameplate. Mrs. Griffin. Her large, curly hair seemed to spring out in all directions. She glanced up at Taylor over her glasses and looked back down at her work.

"Is there something I can help you with, Dear?" Mrs. Griffin asked.

"Hi, I'm Taylor... uh... Hamilton," Taylor stammered. "It's my first day."

Mrs. Griffin's bulging eyes met Taylor's once again, and Taylor immediately felt her presence was unwelcome. "Have you already registered?" Mrs. Griffin asked.

"I think so," Taylor replied with inflection. "Sandra, my adoptive mother, registered me sometime last week, I believe."

Mrs. Griffin let out a heavy sigh. "Well, let me take a look in my system here and see if I can find your information." Mrs. Griffin's short, round fingers typed on her keyboard with such force that Taylor silently wondered if keys would start flying off at any moment.

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