Chapter Thirty-Eight

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They walked down the hallway to Adrienne's bedroom. Taylor caught a glimpse of Adrienne's messy bed as the door swung open. It sent shivers down her spine, the good kind.

"Throw your stuff wherever. My room is pretty much trashed right now."

"I can see that." Taylor threw her bag onto the chair.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but go ahead and find a comfy spot on the bed. We'll have to watch from there," Adrienne said, wincing.

"I'm totally taking this the wrong way," Taylor said, teasing her.

"I guess I shouldn't point it out or complain," Adrienne said, grabbing her television remote and the two packages of B'loonies.

"So, we're blowing these pseudo-balloons and watching a movie?" Taylor asked.

"I know. I can't contain my excitement, either," Adrienne responded sarcastically.

"How do you work these things anyway?" Taylor asked, grabbing one of the packages and sitting down on the bed.

Adrienne sat down on the bed beside her. She pressed play on the movie, put her remote down and grabbed her package of B'loonies. As other movie trailers played, Adrienne opened her package and took out a small tube marked Red and one of the short, pink straws inside. She unscrewed the cap on the bottle and stuck the sharp part of at the top of the cap into the seal on the tube.

"First... you do this to open up the tube. Then you squeeze a small glob of it onto the top of the straw," Adrienne said, demonstrating as she squeezed the tube and put a small red dollop onto the end of the straw. She took her pointer finger and thumb and arranged the glob just so. She put the free end of the straw up to her mouth and blew.

Taylor watched with curiosity as she saw Adrienne blow into the small straw for a few seconds. Suddenly, a plastic looking bubble began to appear from the end of the straw. She kept blowing as it grew bigger with each puff of air Adrienne blew into it. Adrienne looked at her and smiled, her lips still curled around the end of the straw. After the bubble got so big, Adrienne grabbed it and twisted it off the straw. She sat the straw down, threw the bubble in the air and served it at Taylor's face.

Taylor grabbed the B'loonie in mid-air with both of her hands.

"This is the weirdest balloon I have ever seen in my entire life."

"You haven't lived until you've tried it. Your turn," Adrienne told her.

Taylor grabbed Blue and one of the pink straws and followed all of Adrienne's precise instructions. Adrienne made everything look easy and like an art form. Taylor dabbed a little of the goo to the end of the straw and put the other end to her mouth. She blew out a tiny bubble before a hole formed on the side and deflated it.

"That was a solid try. I will still give you props for your first time," Adrienne said playfully.

"Gee, thanks. Guess I'm not a B'loonie virgin anymore, then," Taylor responded, giggling. She was still messing with the goo when she noticed Adrienne was suddenly quiet, the movie still playing in the background. Taylor looked up.

Adrienne was staring at her, both naughtiness and longing in her blue eyes.

Taylor casually set the straw with goo on Adrienne's bedside table, cognizant of the mess it would make. Throwing caution to the wind outweighed anything else. Taylor was tired of fighting it. She looked back to Adrienne.

They searched one another for approval, each beckoning the other. Taylor scooted her body down on the bed from her sitting position; Adrienne watched her as she moved. Taylor held out her hand.

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