Chapter Thirty-Five

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It was always tough for Taylor to get back into gear for school after a holiday. Of course, her holidays were now laced with extracurricular activities that she didn't necessarily sign up for. This made it even harder for her to find motivation.

Taylor closed her car door after parking in the school parking lot. The day was unseasonably warm for the end of November. Taylor had wondered if her boots and jacket were a bad idea, but she remembered how cold it was in English class. She threw her backpack over her shoulder and headed towards the side door to the gym when she heard an old car door squeak as it closed. Adrienne.

Taylor swiftly turned her head to find a fresh-faced Adrienne walking around from the driver's side of her car. She waved at Taylor and began walking in her direction.

Taylor waved back. "Good morning."

"Ready for the first Monday back since Thanksgiving?" Adrienne asked as they joined together in their walk towards the door.

"Not even close. Winter break should start with Thanksgiving," Taylor responded.

"Amen to that. Start a petition?" Adrienne asked looking over at her.

God, she's beautiful.

"I'll get right on that," Taylor said, smiling.

"At least we only have three weeks."

"At the end of which we have to take tests..."

"They'll be easy, though. Teachers are as ready for Christmas break as the rest of us."

"I hope you're right."

"Watch. Even Mr. Kline will put on a movie within the next couple of weeks," Adrienne told her.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" Taylor asked Adrienne.

"Wild. Saw both sets of grandparents within the same day." Adrienne opened the door for both of them as they stepped into the gymnasium. "Not only are there two turkey dinners. But there are two sets of leftovers sent home with us. Mom and Dad capitalize on that shit. We had the same thing for dinner all weekend."

Taylor laughed. "Hope both sets of grandparents decide on something different to eat for Christmas."

"The only thing I can pray for is that they have ham to mix it up a little," Adrienne said as she laughed.

They walked up to their group of friends who were already gathered in the gym. They all looked to be fully immersed in the narrative Matthew was trying to tell about his own Thanksgiving holiday. Immediately, the group of them became silent when they noticed Adrienne and Taylor had arrived.

"Hey, ladies!" Matthew exclaimed.

"Hey, Matt," Taylor said, greeting him. "How are you guys this morning?"

"Listening to Matthew tell the same story he does every year," Grant told her.

"Dude! It's not the same story. I was just talking about how we fried the turkey this year instead of roasting it in the oven!" Matthew said, animated.

"It's not really that exceptionally different, Matthew," Rhiannon said.

"Well, I enjoy hearing about it, Schnookums!" Kelsey said, standing on her tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek.

"Schnookums?" Adrienne asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't even start, man," Kelsey said, turning to Adrienne.

"What?! I was just confirming that you actually said 'schnookums,'" Adrienne said, laughing.

"I find it endearing, Baby. Don't let Adrienne win at being an ass," Matthew said to Kelsey. He immediately followed it up with an expression of disapproval directed at Adrienne.

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