Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Taylor?" Sarai asked her.

"Hey! Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you," Taylor told them, though she was fairly certain being startled wasn't in their small range of expression.

"We didn't expect you this evening, but we sensed you here. Is there something that we can help you with?" she asked as Samuel closed the door behind them.

"No, I was just taking your advice. Decided I would try reading some of these books, starting with the one you introduced me to the first night I came here," Taylor said to her, looking down at the book.

"How very inspired of you," Sarai said, skepticism in her voice.

"I was just going. Let me know when you need me again," Taylor said to both Sarai and Samuel. Samuel was standing motionless just behind Sarai.

"We certainly will. It will likely be tomorrow when we bring you in. We have some important things to go over," Sarai told her.

"OK, well... I am going to attempt to fly home now. Hope you two have a good night." Taylor wasn't really sure what to say. She felt awkward.

"I will see you tomorrow evening, dear Taylor," Samuel told Taylor, giving her a small nod.

"Still working on your people skills I see, Samuel. Getting better. I will see you tomorrow," Taylor said to him, giving him a thumbs-up. Samuel seemed to feel validated by her remark.

Taylor walked out the front door and out onto the front lawn, still keeping the large book clutched tightly against her. She pulled her body into flight and met the chilly, fall air once again. She forgot how cold it had been on the trip there. It was much cooler on the way back. She sped up her flight to get back to the house quicker, though trying not to concentrate on how abysmal her landing would probably be.

As she closed in on her house, she breezed through the window and landed in a skid on her rug. She sat up and crossed her legs on the floor. She let go of her strong grip on the big book, sat it next to her on the floor, and reached inside her hoodie pocket to pull out the two smaller books she had managed to hide from Sarai and Samuel.

Taylor removed her phone from her back pocket and pushed a side button to illuminate the screen. 8:32 PM. She got up from the floor and switched on the light in the room. She opened her bedroom door and went down the hall to Sandra's bedroom. She poked her head in through the door. Sandra was sitting on the bed, dressed in pajamas, with her laptop on her lap.

Sandra sensed Taylor's entrance and looked up from her computer. "Hi, Sweetheart. Are you OK? I heard a thud."

"Yeah, I'm good. I was returning from my trip to the house where I meet with Sarai and Samuel," Taylor told her.


"I... flew in," Taylor felt weird even admitting to this.

Taylor could see all of the question marks in Sandra's mind. Her eyes were evident of this.

"I don't have wings, in case you're wondering. I already asked," Taylor told her, smiling. "It's not like a bird flying or anything."

"So, how do you do it? Come on in and sit down, Baby."

Taylor walked over to the foot of Sandra's bed and sat down, turning her body towards Sandra.

"It's more of a power of the mind thing, I think."

"Can people see you?" Sandra asked her.

"No, not while I'm doing it."

"That's probably not what you came to talk to me about. Sorry, Sweetie. What's going on?" Sandra closed her laptop and set it on her nightstand.

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