Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Does this sound like what I think it sounds like?" Taylor asked Sandra after reading the passage.

"Like it isn't truly about protecting humans after all?" Sandra asked. "Yeah, it's far more twisted than that."

"So, they made up this whole damn story to scare half-angels into submission?!"

Sandra looked over at her, concern in her eyes.

Taylor felt her heart sink. They lied. It was always about them.


"She was acting strange," Sarai said to Samuel as they headed into the kitchen of the old house. The kitchen was still in its original form, though deteriorating with age. It was large and came complete with a butler's pantry off to the side. There was a large hearth in its center.

"I don't understand," Samuel said to her.

"She seemed guarded somehow, as if she was hiding something."

"Not unlike yourself, as I have learned."

Sarai glared at Samuel. "I'm only trying to continue the legacy and be sure that Taylor's actions don't endanger the integrity of our mission."

"Baron's legacy is one of falsehoods. He intentionally misled his own offspring and damned William to a life in which he was plagued with regret."

"Samuel, you say this as if I am out to harm Taylor or the girl. I am not. I am only doing what I am told."

"I fail to see how dishonesty is the answer."

"We sacrifice the few for the welfare of the many," Sarai told him. "I'm wondering if it was such an excellent idea for the Council to sign off on your own training."

Ignoring her, Samuel walked through the swinging door back into the main room.


The popcorn bowl was empty by the time Sandra and Taylor had finished working on a summary of events.

Sandra looked down at her legal pad. "Here's what we know. Baron and Rebecca conceived a part human, part angel child named William. He was raised primarily by Rebecca, with Baron making frequent trips to see the child. Once William was about the same age as you, he began his own training to become a guardian. He fell in love with his human, and her name was Lillian. Despite his best efforts, Baron was unable to keep them apart in a romantic capacity."

Taylor nodded as Sandra continued.

"The type of bond that he and Lillian shared caused her soul to be tampered with somehow, unwittingly. Whatever kind of power this soul had, we don't know."

Taylor shook her head.

"What we do know is that the angels wanted it intact, the way they intended, when Lillian passed away. We're assuming it was going to serve as much more than just a soul that heavenly angels were required to guard?" Sandra cast a questioning glance at Taylor.

Taylor nodded. "It sounds to me like this started out innocently, as something to save people from being overtaken by demons. Then, they found out that these souls could actually benefit them. So, it became even more important for them to create mortal angels to do their bidding. Clearly, the angel part of mortal angels is the downside because it can screw things up."

"Right, and poor William here was the guinea pig. His legacy then became as an example for every mortal angel after him, to forbid them from becoming involved with their charges. But he was under the same impression as every other mortal angel is now taught, that the demon had been feeding off of the love they shared," Sandra said.

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