Chapter Eleven

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Taylor rolled a bath towel around her hair and threw it on top of her head after she got out of the shower at Adrienne's house. She slipped on her pajamas, wiped off the foggy mirror, and turned on the faucet to wet her toothbrush and brush her teeth. Taylor finished, dabbed her mouth with the hand towel, and exited the bathroom into Adrienne's bedroom.

Adrienne was lying on her bed looking at her phone and turned to look at Taylor when she opened the door.

"Did you get all clean and sparkly?" Adrienne asked Taylor.

Taylor looked down at herself. "I don't know about sparkly, but I'm clean."

Adrienne patted the spot next to her on her bed, beckoning Taylor to come to her.

Taylor climbed onto the bed, curled up next to Adrienne, and laid her head on Adrienne's shoulder. She felt Adrienne's chest rise and fall with her steady breathing and heard the gentle pounding of her heart in her ear. Taylor felt comforted, content, and fascinated with everything about her.

"My parents are gone for the evening. They decided to go to the casino."

Taylor looked up at Adrienne momentarily. "So, we have the house to ourselves?"

"Yes, ma'am! They said they're sorry for dipping out on you right after meeting you but that they'd be delighted to spend time getting to know you some other time."

"Do they know anything about... us?"

"My mom and dad are, like, my best friends in the whole world. If there's one thing in this world I could never do, it's keeping things from them. I've told them my feelings for you."

"What did they say?"

"I told you my parents are complete weirdos, right?"

"Yeah, but they don't seem that weird to me."

"That's because you haven't seen it all yet. They're goofballs. But when I told them I had feelings for you, they didn't really act surprised. Almost like they knew I would turn out at least a little bit gay. They seemed excited for us, though."

"And they still let me come spend the night?"

"My parents gave me The Talk when I was 12 and showed me a drawer of condoms where I could come and go as I please. They're pretty progressive. Not that I ever needed the condoms." Adrienne laughed.

"I just had public school sex education classes."

"Oh, the 'Have sex and die!' courses they like to teach?"

Taylor laughed.

"I don't plan on taking advantage of you just yet, anyway. I think we let that develop with time, just like everything else."

"I have no objections to that at all."

"Have you told Sandra anything about us?"

"No, not yet. She keeps asking about boys, and I feel like I might break her heart when I tell her that's not my thing."

"Sandra has always been super cool and a warrior for the underdog. I think she will just be excited that you shared it with her," Adrienne admitted to her.

"I absolutely love Sandra, and I have no intention of keeping it from her. I have to get over the hesitation, and you make a very compelling argument on telling her sooner rather than later."

"I always make compelling arguments. Didn't you know?"

Taylor laughed at Adrienne's comment and took the opportunity to scoot back over to her side of the bed, remove the towel from her head, lay down on her back, and grab Adrienne to pull her on top of her. Adrienne folded her legs on either side of Taylor and sat on the lap of Taylor's outstretched body. Adrienne leaned down over Taylor and held herself up with her arms on either side of Taylor's head.

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